
This is a big improvement for me comming from a crappy DIY speakers and an Optimus HT receiver. The sound is pretty good, not as good as I want it to be, but with a few tweaks it should be sounding better. Im in college so my pocket cant handle any more upgrades for a couple of weeks. My current speaker wires are cheap Acoustic Research. My next move will be some good speaker wires, then a better amplifier.

I need to know what to do to make my MMGs sing. I did an A/B test with some Bose 201s and I didnt hear much difference.

Components Toggle details

    • AH! AH! Noje Tjobe 4000
    Very nice player. Love the many options for upgrades.
    • Magnepan MMG
    Very nice with mids and highs, it's just difficult to position. Many friends have been impressed with it.
    • Van Den Hul The Bay C5
    This IC is at a very good price for my budget, plus it got excellent reviews.
    • Anthem AMP-1
    Nice amp. Cheap output transformers which will be changed within a few months.

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Looks to me like you're off to a good start. The number one way to improve any system - be it starter or megabuck - is speaker placement. Maggies are tricky to place, but when you get it right, you'll love them. Plus, they'll surely outperform those 201s. Happy listening.
