
The older parts of this were put together gradually and then a flurry of upgrades led to this final, wonderful sounding incarnation. I also use a tuner, cassette, DAT, occassionally lp's with an old B&O turntable and some synthesizers through a mixer. However for real music listening this system with plain old redbook CDs is far closer to being in the concert hall than I ever thought to get at home. I am quite new to anything this high-end (in my own system anyway) so comments and suggestions would be very welcome.

Components Toggle details

    • Arcam Alpha 7se
    same transport as Alpha 9se-as transport
    • Dedicated Audio pds one
    pwer cord
    • Qwest Isol-Pads
    Cork and rubber vibration isolation pads
    • Analysis Plus Digital Oval
    RCA -> BNC
    • Muse Model-296
    Beautiful sounding DAC
    • Qwest Isol Pads
    • TMC White
    Great single ended IC
    • Musical Fidelity A3cr
    great pre-amp
    • Stealth HAC
    power cord
    • TMC Yellow
    great sounding single ended IC
    • Musical Fidelity A3cr
    • Kimber Kable Power Kord
    power cord
    • Analysis Plus Oval 9 and Oval 12 true biwire
    phenomenal speaker cables
    • Magnepan MG-1.5qr
    Great imaging and tonal realism
    • Monster HTS 2000
    good budget line conditioning

Comments 5

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If you add Vandersteen 2WQ to your Maggies, you'll get a true full-range. Besides time to think analogue isn't it?
