
The older parts of this were put together gradually and then a flurry of upgrades led to this final, wonderful sounding incarnation. I also use a tuner, cassette, DAT, occassionally lp's with an old B&O turntable and some synthesizers through a mixer. However for real music listening this system with plain old redbook CDs is far closer to being in the concert hall than I ever thought to get at home. I am quite new to anything this high-end (in my own system anyway) so comments and suggestions would be very welcome.

Components Toggle details

    • Arcam Alpha 7se
    same transport as Alpha 9se-as transport
    • Dedicated Audio pds one
    pwer cord
    • Qwest Isol-Pads
    Cork and rubber vibration isolation pads
    • Analysis Plus Digital Oval
    RCA -> BNC
    • Muse Model-296
    Beautiful sounding DAC
    • Qwest Isol Pads
    • TMC White
    Great single ended IC
    • Musical Fidelity A3cr
    great pre-amp
    • Stealth HAC
    power cord
    • TMC Yellow
    great sounding single ended IC
    • Musical Fidelity A3cr
    • Kimber Kable Power Kord
    power cord
    • Analysis Plus Oval 9 and Oval 12 true biwire
    phenomenal speaker cables
    • Magnepan MG-1.5qr
    Great imaging and tonal realism
    • Monster HTS 2000
    good budget line conditioning

Comments 5

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I'd go along with the addition of sub (s), one or two. My favorite is the M&K 105 at about $1200ea, but they're big and ugly. A friend has recently installed an M&K with his MgIIIs. A key feature here: He used cap filters on the interconnects, so that freqs from 50Hz down dont get to the amp. The amp doesnt have to pump out big power for low bass notes and the Maggies dont have to flex for big slam. The sub is crossed over at 50Hz, and fills in the bottom without bloat. This is a trick I thought was limited to car stereos, but works well in a very high end set up. Resulting sound is louder, cleaner, faster and full range.

[email protected]