
Getting there.... one step at a time!

Room Details

Dimensions: 20’ × 15’  Medium
Ceiling: N/A

Components Toggle details

    • Cambridge Audio Azur 840c
    24bit/PMA100/HDCD CD player
    • Plinius 8200 MKII
    175w, int, with phono, with remote
    • Cabasse Farella 400
    flooar standing. 2-way
    • van den Hul D102 mkIII Hybrid
    • WireMold L10320
    power strip, not power cord (Category list doesn't have this as an option); without on/off switch. This is the model recommended by NAIM.
    • Acoustic Zen Tsunami
    Power cord (using for Plinius)
    • DIY Subaruguru's special
    Ernie's design. Used for cdp.
    • DIY Gregg Straley's design
    Fantastic revealing cables.

Comments 24

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Hi CpDunn,

(1) Curious about your opinion of the AZ Matrix you just dumped. Had been thinking about them, but went with Shunyata Aries and Audience AU24 instead. What didn't you like about the AZ, or what did the Straley do specifically you liked? Do you know any of the technical details about the Straley? I also bought some BMC Gold Pinnacles via A-gon auction I rather like for openness, especially given the price. Have actually been thinking of buying more of these and *down*grading my Shunyata Aries to save money.

(2) I went with some of ErnieM's products too--he's a great guy, and I learned a lot from seeing the raw materials he uses--the outlets and wires mostly.
