
Getting there.... one step at a time!

Room Details

Dimensions: 20’ × 15’  Medium
Ceiling: N/A

Components Toggle details

    • Cambridge Audio Azur 840c
    24bit/PMA100/HDCD CD player
    • Plinius 8200 MKII
    175w, int, with phono, with remote
    • Cabasse Farella 400
    flooar standing. 2-way
    • van den Hul D102 mkIII Hybrid
    • WireMold L10320
    power strip, not power cord (Category list doesn't have this as an option); without on/off switch. This is the model recommended by NAIM.
    • Acoustic Zen Tsunami
    Power cord (using for Plinius)
    • DIY Subaruguru's special
    Ernie's design. Used for cdp.
    • DIY Gregg Straley's design
    Fantastic revealing cables.

Comments 24

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You asked: Just wondering if your "Speaking Silence" is a clever reference to a Bob Dylan song (Love Minus Zero, No Limit).

No, but I love that album!

Speaking silence (chash-mal) is the esoteric hidden meaning of the word Chashmal in hebrew. The word generally means 'electricity' but is used to describe the highest level of a spiritual breakthrough in the Book of Ezekiel when the prophet sees the burning chariot that bears visionary communication. It implies that a very psychedelic thing is about to music. Great music speaks beyond the notes to the space between the notes (silence).

Hope that makes sense


The Linn- Cabasse-Blue Circle seems like it would be a great combination. Warm, open, engaging, not uptight or 'detail obsessed'; my kind of thing. Great rig!

