
I saw a holographic sound stage at a guys home about 20 yrs ago.It seemed as though you could walk between or stand behind the performers.No one believes I didn't realize how hard it was to get that effect.I havn't seen it since.Any ideas on a good monitor match for this system.My best friend Sam the pit bull.

Components Toggle details

    • Cambridge Audio Azure 840-c
    Shared source with 1d 100
    • Parasound Halo jc1
    big sound stage
    • kimber kable Hero
    Black background
    • kimber kables 8tc bi
    AGDL balanced for ID 100 1 dock and Illumiations D-60 for cd player
    • PSB imagine T2
    budget speaker of the year in absolute sound

Comments 13

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I can tell when people hav'nt seen holographic imaging when they suggest moving the listening position this way or that.When a system has achieved holographic imaging you can see it from any where in the room.You don't have to be at any specific spot it's just there.


Hi Ray,
I saw some ribbon planner speaker at a dealer that came close.Back then I thought Bose was the best speakers so I was really naive.I am still working on my system with different tweeks but like most audiophiles I'm never satisfied.
It's great getting input from you guys since most people I know just don't get it.LOL


Thanks Mjct for your advise.My system does throw a 3d soundstage.Better than the local dealers in my area.When I talk about holographic imaging it really is a rare sight that most audiophiles don' t believe exist.I have seen100,000 dollar system at many dealers that don't achieve it.
As far as LPs?I am too old (73) and too poor for that part of the hobby.LoL


I just got back into the hobby.I used to have a listening room in my home but retired now.I live in a condo now.I had some bass traps I bought years ago that I'm using now.My wife has agreed to let me take over the living room so I will post some new pictures next week when finished.I've read two Robert Harley books so I've tried a lot of things including covering the TV.


Hi Milpai
I did add some room treatment (plants and bass traps) while the wife was away on a What a improvement!!.Now I have to do the back of the room.Thanks again for your advice.


Thank you for your response Milpai.I'm sure someone could come in and get better results then me.Like most of us I've had many different amps exc. in different rooms.I have also seen $100,000 systems at dealer's show rooms but never yet have I seen holograph imaging again.
I find that monitors image better(dollar per dollar).I have Paradigm 20v5s in my other system with vtl 125 amps that image better then the golds but they don't have the same robust sound stage.
I like your system.Happy listening.
