
I am just searching to have a very relaxed, open, and airy system. Wide sound stage and focus/very clean dynamics are my first priorities, nothing puts me on edge more than mistracking or thin emotionless sound. The speakers and cartridge I currently have I am looking to swap out here in the next year or so when I put together the funds. Love to hear some opinions!

Maybe some Audio Note speakers?

Components Toggle details

    • Garrard 301 oil bearing
    Its awesome.
    • Ortofon RS 309d
    12 inches of awesomeness
    • EMT TSD 15
    None headshell version
    • Sony Playstation
    wonderful cd player for someone who really doesn't want to commit any money to there digital front end
    • Manley Laboratories Stingray II
    Great sound with some fantastic easy to use feature...not to mention the coolest remote control on the planet.
    • Musical Fidelity M1 Vinl
    Lots of options and an all around great phono stage
    • Sonus Faber Liuto Monitors
    great all around monitors
    • Auditorium A23 Interconnects
    One .5 meter and one 1 meter....fantastic cables
    • Cardas Quadlink
    Will be replacing soon with the Auditorium speaker cables
    • Audience AR2p Power conditioner
    Wonderful space saving conditioner

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Hi, I too love the simplicity of your system. I have had a Dynavector XX2MKII (Soundsmith retip), that I've been using for years.

What I enjoy much more though, is A Zu Denon 103R that I sent to ESCCO in England for their saphire cantilever/Paratrace stylus mod (around $360 or so US), which, to my mind and ears, made it a world-class cartridge.

By the way, I'm using a DIY refurbed Garrard 401 with Dynavector 501 arm that just sounds beautiful, so obviously, I admire your choice of turntables.

Regards, and enjoy,
