
I am a recovering Audiophile just getting back into music after a few years off. This time around I want to focus on just enjoying the music instead of chasing every last ounce of decay, detail, air, etc of the music and spending more time analyzing the shortcomings of my system instead of just enjoying it. I also put myself on a strict budget to keep myself from going crazy like I did before (see my previous system) chasing the elusive dream of a perfect system.

I listen mainly to singer/songwriters, acoustic, and jazz so I wanted to put together a system that was above all else musical and able to capture the natural timbres of voices and instruments. Soundstage depth and focus is also important to me as this creates more of a sense of realism. With this system, I am able to literally listen for hours without any fatigue.

My room is rather small, 9x10x9 so setup is a bit challenging. I found that moving the speakers away from the front wall helped tremendously to increase soundstage depth and helped to bring everything into focus. There are large openings on the wall directly behind the listening position which is a great help in such a small room.

Future additions:

Sonus Faber Guarneri or Olympica I - I have really fallen in love with the SF house sound. This next speaker upgrade will be my last for a while.

Misc cables - I want to start experimenting with cables to see if I can get more minor improvements.

Thank you for reading! I look forward to any advice that will help me achieve my goal of creating a musical and emotional system (on a budget of course!).

UPDATE 05 April 2016

Added a REL T/5i sub.  WOW!  What a difference.  I am kicking myself for waiting so long to add a sub into my system.  Now I am thinking about adding a second one.  Maybe that would be overkill in my little room??

UPDATE 30 March 2016

Added the Mutec MC-3+USB converter to replace my old Musical Fidelity V-link.  The Mutec also acts as a signal reclocker too which has helped to smooth out the sound.

UPDATE 16 October 2014

Added GIK 244 panels along the midpoint of my sidewalls to deal with some bass issues and the first reflection points. Improved mid bass and clarity.

UPDATE 15 Aug 2014

Added RealTraps Mondo Corner bass traps. The overall improvement has been astonishing! I should have added these a long time ago!

UPDATE 12 Aug 2014

Added the Light Harmonic Light Speed split USB cable. This cable separates the data and power signals resulting in an incredibly lifelike and clear sound.

UPDATE 04 Aug 2014

Added Vicoustic Cinema Round panels at the 1st reflection points. One of the best upgrades I have ever done.

UPDATE 25 March 2014

Replaced my Acoustic Zen Silver Ref II interconnects with Tara Labs The 2 + HFX Ground Station. The sound is just as clear as the AZ but with more air and sense of organicness.

UPDATE 31 Jan 2014

Replaced by beloved Sonus Faber Cremona Auditor monitors with the Guarneri Evolutions.

UPDATE 15 Nov 2013

Added the Vicoustic Flexiwood 75 absorption panels for the front wall behind my speakers.

UPDATE 16 Oct 2013

Added the Synergistic Research Element Tungsten AC cable for my Luxman D-06 CDP/DAC.

UPDATE 27 Sept 2013

Added a Keces DC-116 19V, 6A linear power supply for the music server PC.

UPDATE 09 Sept 2013

Added a PC based music server to replace a Sonos ZP90. Also added a Synergistic Research USB Active SE cable, Musical Fidelity V-link USB Converter.

UPDATE 27 Aug 2013

Added modded Synergistic Research MPC by Michael Spallone

UPDATE 16 Aug 2013

Added Stillpoints Ultra Minis under my PS Audio P3.

UPDATE 26 July 2013

Added the Synergistic Research Element Tungsten AC cable for my PS Audio P3.

UPDATE 07 June 2013

Replaced by Musical Fidelity M6i with Accustic Arts Power 1 Mk2.

UPDATE 26 June 2013

Replaced my Musical Fidelity M1 DAC with a Luxman D-06 CDP with digital inputs.

Added the PS Audio Powerplant P-3 AC regenerator.

Room Details

Dimensions: 10’ × 9’  Small
Ceiling: 9’

Components Toggle details

    • Sonus Faber Gauneri Evolution
    To me, great monitors that give me what I look for; musicality with lifelike reproduction of vocals and instruments.
    • REL Acoustics T/5i
    8" subwoofer.  Amazingly in my small room this little sub is able to go down to 20hz without any boominess.  I may just another one!
    • Accustic Arts Power 1 MK2
    Very transparent integrated amp. It almost sounds as good as it looks
    • Luxman D-06
    I use this mainly for its DAC but the CDP is great for times when I want to listen to a new CD without having to wait to rip it. The sound is relaxed and liquid, typical Luxman.
    • Tara Labs The 2 + HFX Ground Station
    Typical Tara Labs sound..very clear and airy.
    • CAPS Zuma
    Purpose built, silent pc based music server.
    • PS Audio Powerplant P-3
    AC regeneration device. This has brought my system to a new level. I am sorry I waited so long to add this.
    • HD Plex 300W ATX Linear Power Supply
    300W, 18A linear power supply for my music server. It definitely made the sound more clear, the highs linger longer, and the midbass more tight.
    • Tara Labs The One
    Very neutral speaker cable with a clear, clear, fast sound.
    • Acoustic Zen Silver Bytes Digital Cable
    Another very good cable from Acoustic Zen. Detailed and clear.
    • Light Harmonic Light Speed SPlit USB
    Split USB cable that separates the power and data. The sound is incredibly lifelike and clear.
    • Musical Fidelity V-Link USB Converter
    Very good entry level USB converter.
    • Synergistic Research Element Tungsten AC Cable
    Added for my PS Audio P3 AC Regenerator and CDP/DAC. I noticed a substantial improvement in clarity and reduction in noise.
    • Virtual Dynamics PC The Nite II
    I have tried all kinds of PCs but only Virtual Dynamics gave me more dynamics and body. I use this for my amp.
    • Oyaide Cryo'd Outlet R1
    Palladium plated outlet. Adds another level of clarity and resolution to the system. I use this for my DAC and transport.
    • Oyaide Cryo'd Outlet SWO-GX
    24K gold plated outlet. It gives some additional bass and body to the music. I use this for my amp.
    • Vicoustic Room treatments
    Absorption panel for the front wall behind my speakers and 1st reflections points. They look really nice and as well as also working good to tame reflections.
    • RealTraps Mondo Corner Bass Traps X 2
    These made a huge difference to the soundstage and bass in my system. Room treatments are key to making any system sound better. I ended up covering these in acoustic fabric to make them look a little better. Hopefully I succeeded.
    • GIK Acoustics 244 (Extended Range) Panels
    Added the 244 panels at the mid point of my side walls to deal with bass issues and first reflections.
    • HiFi Tuning Supreme Fuse
    I have found these fuses can sometimes make a nice little difference. In my Accustic Arts Power 1 int amp I heard more clarity and dynamics but in my PS Audio P3 AC regenerator I heard no difference. I have paid a lot more to get less (and sometimes worse) improvement.
    • Stillpoints Ultra Mini Footers
    Used beneath my PS Audio P3 the Minis added more clarity, focus, and sharpness to notes.
    • Michael Spallone Synergistic Research MPC Mod
    GREAT upgrade to diodes and caps which resulted in blacker background, better distinction between instruments, and highs which seem to linger just a bit longer. Very recommened
    • Minimserver Server
    Digital media server software
    • Mutec MC 3+USB
    USB converter + reclocker.  I think the reclocker really helped to smooth out the sound.

Comments 252

Tboooe, I like the Frey and above line in Nordost.
As to a tube amp, I would say that depends on budget, BUT I think something like the ARC Ref 75 would be a good match, or better still the Ref 150. I am partial to the ARC D70Mk2 with my GH's...that's a match made in heaven, BUT the ARC D70Mk2 is a little more difficult to make work ( biasing, etc).
One could also try the VAC line as Jmcgrogan2 said above. Other alternatives would be the newer Jadis gear ( again depending on budget)- or IF looking for less costly--the Prima Luna stuff.
Unless you like to listen VERY loudly, I think 60 watts/ch of tube power would be more than enough.


Tboooe, thanks for the invite, maybe one day I will be able to take you up on it.

If you are looking for a tube integrated amp with some balls, perhaps it's time to try and find a dealer for a VAC Sigma 160i. 86 wpc should be plenty of tube power to allow those SF's to breathe.


Hi Daveyf, I am getting in some Nordost cables to try. Any particular model you like? Heimdal? Frey?

As for tubes, I am beginning to look into a tube integrated. I would to try the Line Magnetic SET integrated but unfortunately it just doesn't have enough power for the inefficient Evolutions. Any recommendations based on your experience?


Tboooe, you may want to try some tubes with your new G's. G's love tubes and even IF they are up stream, like in the preamp section, the G's would respond.
Also, I happen to really like Nordost cables with G's...a synergy that works very well IMO.


Harris4crna- I would have loved to really give a listen to the Accordos but as you know they are not carried by a lot of dealers. I have always loved the SF sound so I decided to play it safe and not mess with what works. Besides, I got what I think is a great deal on the Evolutions so I had to do it!

B_limo, thank you for the very kind words. I am very happy with how things are sounding and looking with my system. Once my wallet recovers a bit I want to continue adding room treatments. Bass traps are definitely next. These speakers have very good bass which is probably helped a bit by my small room.


Been awhile since I stopped by; your rig is looking beautiful! Love the new speakers!


Congrats on the evolutions. I would have gone with the Accordos, but again I am bias. Curious how a A/B comparison would have matched up?


Thank you John. If you are ever in SoCal, look me up. I would love to have you over.

And yes, I am failing miserably. But I knew I would...that title was definitely tongue in cheek.


Tboooe, very nice looking system! I'd love to have a chance to hear those Evolution speakers.

Now, as for the title of your system thread, it appears as if you are failing miserably by looking at all of those system updates. LOL!!



Thanks Paul. I still very much like the Atrias but just think the Evolutions fit better into my small space and my music preferences. Maybe I am just a Sonus Faber fanboy but there is something about the way they present music that is so organic and natural. But as with everything in this whacky hobby things change rapidly and my audiophile love affair has been known to be quite fickle so who knows..for now I am happy until I am seduced again.


Loveley speakers Tbooe, classy craftsmanship and the best colour choice IMO. Have the SF's diminished your love affair with the Atria the?
Hope your well..


Nickfas, sorry for not replying sooner. I did not see your post. The Marantz puts out 100W into 4 ohms right? From a pure power point of view I believe that is enough. The real question is whether the Marantz can deliver the current and quality of power. That is up to your own ears.


System edited: Replaced by beloved Sonus Faber Cremona Auditor monitors with the Guaneri Evolutions! Just based on looks and quality I love these speakers. The immediate differences I hear are more bass, more clarity, and more nuance (I don't say detail or resolution because the Evolutions seem to bring out the human and organic aspect of voices and instruments). These are definitely not as warm as the Auditors, offering more air and overall clearer picture. The added bass helps to add back in the natural warmth of music. The Evolutions are not the most dynamic or detailed or fast speakers I have heard but for my listening preferences of vocals and acoustic music, they are well suited. There is such a naturalness to the delivery of music that suits my ears. Needless to say I am happy!



I am interested in upgrading my current speakers to Cremona M Auditors. Would you say that a Marantz PM8004 will sufficiently power them? I have a smaller listening space similar to yours and listen to large scale orchestral pieces as well as classic rock. My source is either CD or computer files played through my Oppo 105.

Great system and thanks!


Tboooe, your Server 2012 + Audiophile Optimizer tip was excellent, and after some fiddling has led to significant improvements in my music server set-up. Thanks for the recommendation!


Hello, great system! I was wondering if you could tell me what the rack is, is it a Plateau?

Thanks, Ray


Thanks Harris4crna...I was planning on heading down to Stereo Unlimited after the holidays. Oh well, the hunt continues. To be honest though, with the recent addition of room treatments and optimizing my PC front end, my system has never sounded better. It makes me wonder how it could conceivably get better by upgrading speakers. I think I may just upgrade to the SF Mementos and call it a day. I love the SF sound.



I want to save you a trip to Stereo Unlimited for the purpose to listen to the Accuerdos. Talked to Bruce and stated he sent them back to the distributor. He stated he could not move them. To much a specialty item. Truly a shame since I believe they are one of the best monitors out there. I'm in in the market for an amp, so I will be heading that way this weekend. Of course there may be other retailers that may have them in stock.


This weekend I upgraded the OS on my music server PC from Windows 7 to Server 2012 and added a nice package of tweaks from Highend-Audio PC. Just the switch from Win7 to Server made a nice difference. The sound became more enveloping, encompassing my little listening room. It felt like I was actually listening at the venue. This alone made the $600 price tag for Server worth it but when I implemented the tweaks from Hignend-Audio PC I was blown away. Vocals had more texture and weight. I prefer acoustic music so for me this change made everything sound more lifelike to me. I could not be happier with this upgrade.


Nice pickup of room treatments Tboooe. Really respect that you took your time and selected a great product that fits the room.

Will research Vicoustic Super Bass Traps.


When I had the Cremona M in the system, I was not happy with the soundstage depth. The mid and hi were clear and precise, but felt the sound was being pushed at me. It was not fixed until I went with the Ktemas which the design gave me the depth I was looking for. Of course for 40,000 speakers I would expect the soundstage to have more depth. Now, I would like a greater bass response at a lower volume. The front end has made an incredible difference. I went with transparent for my ac conditioner and cables. On the analog side, I am very happy with the sound, but digital not so much. Needless to say I listen to mostly vinyl. In the end, I would need to listen to the separates to really determine to make the expensive upgrade. I just need to hear more systems.


Thanks Harris4crna. The treatments definitely made a difference. Now that I have been living it for a week or so I am very happy with how much more realistic vocals sound and my speakers have completely disappeared! Soundstage width has also dramatically increased though I am still not very happy with the soundstage depth. It does not seem to extend beyond the wall itself. Not sure how I am going to address this? My next step is to add the Vicoustic Super Bass Traps. Man they are pricey but I really like the looks.

I dont necessarily think separates will give you the big change you are looking for. From my experience, I would focus on your PC front end. I got good results by improving the power supply and tweaking the OS. I also got big improvements by adding my ac regenerator and upgrading power cords. Perhaps I am deaf but I think once you get a good integrated, I dont think separates will give you huge improvements, perhaps a different sound but not necessarily better.


Room treatments look great. I went bass traps from GK acoustics. Heard a definite difference. Thinking about purchasing traps for the corners. I still have issues in the back of the room, but not really sure what to do about it. I'm at the point spending money to make subtle if any differences are not worth it. I'm at the point separates may be the big difference I need, but upgrading to simaudio seps from my 600i would set me back 17,000. When to say when, huh? Looking good.


Thank you Tjkurita, I have been avoiding room treatments for a long time because frankly I never found anything that looked good. A big part of enjoying this hobby for me is also enjoying the aesthetics of my room and gear.

I am moving on to bass traps next. Again, I am looking for something that looks as good as it works. Not sure about adding subs though. I am more than satisfied with the sound I am getting from my monitors. I listen to mainly acoustic music so bass isnt really that necessary.


Those are really nice panels, Tboooe. I am sure the price is worth it in terms of aesthetics and quality. I had very similar results when I added acoustic treatments to my room. Perhaps a subwoofer and bass traps are in your future? Dual subs, maybe. For your small room a combination of monitors and fast, accurate subs would probably satisfy you very much.


Showing 151 - 175 of 252 posts