
Simple but very enjoyable system. Best speakers I owned, and I have owned a lot and some a lot more expensive.

Components Toggle details

    • Shek D2
    Non oversampling DAC.
    • JJ 828
    Tube amp. 8 KT88 tubes. 70 watt.
    • Sonus Faber Electa Amator II
    Classic Sonus Faber model with passive woofer on backside.

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I used to own those speakers (2002-2005). I regret selling them. In small rooms, they were amazing. In mid-size rooms, you could play with them to the point where they would sound almost as good as they did in a small room.

When I moved, I tried them in my (then) new big room...and immediately became aware that I need different speakers. Anyway, I always thought that the Electa Amator II speaker offered an incredible amount of value for the money. The design (with the woofer on back), the fit and finish, and the sound were all superb. I'll bet you that your system sounds awesome!
