
Started to put together this system about 18 months ago and I'm very happy with it so far. I replaced an old onkyo receiver that I thought sounded quite good with the Cambridge when the onkyo packed it in. Wow the difference was like night and day, I think the Cambridge is a bit of a giant killer especially what I paid for it , very good buy. The creek is probably not the best cd player in the world but I think it

will make a half decent transport when I

get a good dac later on. I then replaced

an old set of Jamo floorstanders with the

tannoys. I just love the tannoys, I lost some of the bottom end but everything else is so much better the imaging ,soundstage the bass is so much sweeter. I then replced the interconnects with the xlo , I wasn't prepared for how much of a change they would make over audioquest king cobra. So much more detail and way more enjoyable. I added a musical fidelity tube buffer that seemed to have smeared a bit of the detail but the whole system is so much more musical. The xlo speaker cable was next the bass I got out of these cables is incredible. I'm quite happy with the whole package at the moment so I'm putting a bit of money into new music and trying to find some new artists. My room is 7 metres by 4 metres ceiling height is 2.9 metres with wooden floors and quite large windows. Any thoughts comments or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thankyou.

System Updated

Components Toggle details

    • Creek Evo
    My first high end purchase
    • Tannoy Revolution signature dc6
    I love these speakers,
    • Xlo Reference type 1 ?
    Great cable
    • Xlo Reference 2 ?
    Excellent cable for price paid
    • Xlo Ultra 6
    Great cable lots of bass weight so much more detailed and musical than my old 4tc
    • Lovan Speaker stands
    Cheap stands work well when filled with sandblasting sand
    • Xlo Reference 3 power cable
    Exceptional cable
    • Cawsey Power cable
    Australian made cable with an upgraded furutech iec
    • Jas Power board
    Chinese made board great value and quality highly recommended
    • Panasonic Bd 35
    Rarely used for blu Ray discs
    • Bcd Lgd interconnect
    Made by audio analogue expensive cable that doesn't perform as well as my xlo cables
    • Bakoon 7511 mk3
    The most amazing 15watts you will ever hear.
    • Kenwood L 1000 C and M
    L1000 pre and power amp
    • Audio GD Dac 19 DSP
    Amazing dac for the price,relatively unknown in the U.S.
    • Kenwood L 1000 D
    Massively overengineered cdp.
    • Gale GS 401a
    Nearly 40 years old, but still sounds and looks amazing after a little resto work.

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Nice open space and very clean! The only thing I would try is some window treatments and maybe some large throw pillows to act as WAF "room tunes". The only reason I know is that I tried it and it made a big difference to my "lively" room. Looks great and bet it sounds even better!! Enjoy!
