
The room is in the basement, size about 13 x 21 x 8, dedicated.

Love the sound of the Mastersound/Triangle combo, wife says it has "soul". Huge soundstage and lots of dynamics too, thanks to bi-amping, and insertion of Zero Autoformers improved a lot bass control and definition.

Found out most of my fun comes from vinyl, so I recently added a 2nd tonearm to the HRX with a custom armboard, I know a turntable with provision for multiple arm mounting would be better, but for the time being this will do.

The high compliance VdH Colibri is on the low mass JMW 12.6, and is amplified by the Lehmann Silver Cube into a line input of the HP100, the low compliance Phase Tech P3-G is on the high mass Ikeda, and, through the Yamamoto SUT goes into the phono input of the HP100, that's been modified by Hovland to accept external plugs for cart loading, so I can play with 2 different approaches to vinyl reproduction, the european and the japanese.

Thanks for looking, Marco

Components Toggle details

    • Sim Audio Moon Eclipse
    Top loading cd player
    • VPI Industries TNT HRX
    Added custom armboard for 2nd tonearm
    • Benz Micro SLR Gullwing
    Replaces VdH Colibri, now parked in the drawer awaiting better times
    • Reed P3Q
    10.5" wooden armtube tonearm
    • Phase Tech P-3G
    Low impedance, low compliance MC japanese cartridge
    • Ikeda IT407
    High mass, dynamic balanced japanese tonearm with detachable headshell
    • Choir Audio SUT Hp
    Hashimoto HM3 based mc step up
    • Lector Phono Amp System
    Tube phono stage
    • Ortofon SPU Meister Silver
    Couldn't resist the looks on Ortofon tonearm, sounds good too!!!
    • Ortofon RS309D
    12" dynamic balanced tonearm
    • Yamamoto SUT 01
    Japanese SUT with choice 1:10 or 1:30 step-up ratio
    • Hovland Company HP-100
    wonderful preamp, had the phono section modified by Hovland to change cart loading via ext plugs
    • Mastersound 845 monoblock
    Made in Italy
    • Triangle Magellan Concerto
    passive bi-amped
    • Acustica Applicata DAAD
    Acoustic absorber/diffuser, similar to Tube Traps
    • Symposium Ultra Platform
    Placed under turntable and monoblocks. The one under the turntable has custom cutout for motor assembly
    • Hovland Musicgroove 2
    2 pairs, one RCA-RCA from VPI to Lehmann, one DIN-RCA from Ikeda to Yamamoto
    • Audience Au24e
    1 pair between Lehmann and Hovland
    • Arcaydis Interface
    Improves preamp-poweramp impedance match and neutralizes negative effect of 7m (23') interconnects with no audible signal degradation

Comments 31

wow, that is one serious man-cave. Congrats on your system and layout.


System edit: haven't checked on this for a long time, so I updated the description above and moved the system in Opinions Please, sort of a start over.
Got rid of the home theater speakers since most of my time and fun goes into 2 channel, spent some time playing with speakers placement and that really paid off.
As time goes by I get more and more hooked on vinyl, looking forward to being able to afford a 'table with multiple tonearm capability, at this time I'm dreaming of a TW Raven AC or a Kuzma XL, but maybe I should upgrade the preamp first, or the phono stage......mmmm, maybe I should spin more records while I think.....Life is hard.
Thanks for looking,


I am looking at doing a remodal of my stereo room. I noticed you have the perfect room dimensions.{8x13x21} How does the room sound? Is it alot better than other rooms you've had your set up in?


I hope you enjoy the already burned-in Mundorf Ultra match and jena wiring combination
Please head for 845M for tubes.




I've heard a lot of good things about Triangle speakers from France lately. They are a great deal and sound good too!

Nice system and room!


Very nice looking setup. I bet it sounds great. Happy Listening!



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