
My 2-channel system is part of my multi-channel home theater set-up. The Adcom pre-amp has a HT bypass. I have been putting my kit together for approximately 7 years making many changes as my listening and finances improved. Thankfully my wife is VERY supportive and has made my obsession even more enjoyable. Audiogon has been a huge help also, as it is a great place to buy gear and learn from fellow enthusiast. My goal is realism. Let the smooth be smooth and the harsh be...harsh!

Components Toggle details

    • Edge Electronics NL 10.1
    Detailed, smooth, dynamic. Very enjoyable. 100 lb beauty.
    • Pass Labs XP-20
    So much more enjoyable than my X-1, which was a great linestage.
    • Pass Labs XP-20 Power Supply
    Innards! Use this for my X-Ono too.
    • Pass Labs XP-15
    Musical, smooth, detailed. Splendid bass. A real joy to listen to.
    • Von Schweikert Audio VR-IV SR
    Great imaging, dynamics. Loads of resolution. I LOVE these speakers!
    • Von Schweikert Audio VR S/1
    Fast well defined bass keeps up with the Sr. 4's. I have a stereo pair to fill out the low bass in my large-ish room in an open floorplan.
    • Von Schweikert Audio LCR-15
    The center channel for the HT. Very clear, fast.
    • VPI Industries Scoutmaster
    A truly wonderful TT. I added the ringclamp which I feel is a very worthwhile upgrade, especialy on regular weight vinyl. I also added a TT Weight center weight- very worthwhile. Added TT Weights adjustable feet. Nicely designed/built.
    • Zyx Airy 3 Silver low output MC
    .24 mv version with silver wire and silver weight.
    • VPI Industries JMW 10.5i Stainless
    Nice upgrade. On the fly VTA adjusment, easier azimuth adjustment
    • VPI Anti-Skating Device
    A must have with the stiffer Nordost wire. A really good design too. The set-up instructions are a joke though.
    • Mint LP Protractor
    Very worth the effort and $110. I really got so much more out of my cartridge with this.
    • Gingko Audio Cloud 11
    Nice isolation for the Scoutmaster.
    • VPI 16.5
    Record cleaning machine- noisy,but effective...A must have IMO
    • PS Audio Power Plant Premier
    Decent. It really cleaned up the sound. I like the steady power to steady my TT motor. Tight plug sockets screwed up the finish on a couple high end plugs though.
    • Onkyo TX-NR905
    I LOVE this AVR. Does all the new codecs, great DAC, versatile, easy to use, sounds great.
    • Denon DVD-2500BTCI
    Plays blurays nicely. HDMI out transport only.
    • Denon DVD 5900
    Built like a tank. Plays DVD's beautifuly, also does CD, DVD-A, SACD pretty well.
    • PS Audio Perfect Wave DAC
    I am truly impressed with this DAC. Seems to do everything pretty much right.
    • Harmonic Technology Magic Reference Tweeter
    These go to the Vons' tweeter-mid cabinets. They really make cymbals shine and fill out the beginning and ending of notes. Truly revealing cables.
    • Harmonic Technology Magic Reference Woofer
    Wow! These power the Vons' bass cabinets. A BIG step up from the Pro 9+ they replaced. These cables have great bass definition and are smooth and very clean.
    • Harmonic Technology Magic One
    I use these throughout the system. Really clean and detailed, free of grain. Loads of bass. I really like Harmonic Tech's products. Most of these have been modded with new sleeving and reterminated by myself with custom lengths.
    • Homemade Power Cords Oyaide Tunami w/ Oyaide Plugs
    Also have condutive carbon shielding jacket. I am proud of these. Great sounding/looking.
    • Harmonic Technology Pro Ac 11 & Fantasy AC-10
    Good cords. Reterminated and covered with conductive carbon sleeving. Used for the VSA subs and DVD and Bluray players.
    • Furutech e-TP80
    Passive line conditioner. Used for TV,and DVR.
    • custom made Granite Mass Sandwich
    I sandwiched two 22lb granite slabs together with some Scotch Foam Mounting Squares and stuck 5 silicone feet on the bottom (1 in the center, 4 about 2 1/2" from the edges.
    • Furutech FT-D20A
    Gold duplex receptacle. Did not expect much but a strong grip on my heavy power cords. I heard a tremendous improvement in bass and clarity. When my wife came home and asked what I had done to the system with a cheerful tone I knew that I hadn't gone crazy.
    • Scotch Foam Mounting Squares
    Removable foam tape. I used this to secure the point disc to my ceramic tile for the 2 VSA subs. WOW! Best cheap tweak ever!
    • Former Equipment below Former Equipment Below
    Former Equipment Below
    • Pass Labs X-600
    Another photo...
    • Pass Labs X-600
    Never ending headroom- soooo clean and detailed, dynamics that stun!
    • Musical Fidelity TriVista SACD Player
    RIP- $6500 paper weight.
    • VPI Industries JMW Memorial 9 Signature
    I upgraded from the stock JMW Memorial 9. The Nordost wire is a bit stiffer and made the VPI anti-skating device a must with my set-up.
    • Dynavector 20XH
    Nice match for the Scout!
    • Pass Labs X-1
    Replaced with XP-20
    • Pass Labs X-ONO
    Replaced by XP-15. This one was modded by Wayne Colburn at Pass. It was really good.

Comments 58

Thanks Z. Maybe I'll try the Granite Audio Ground Zero 501. If that takes care of the hum the X-1 will be a keeper. I've always loved it. The hum came after I switched amps.


Thanks for the feedback...for your hum issue, I would suggest grabbing a Granite Audio Ground Zero 501 star-grounding unit and the appropriate number of cables. It sounds like you have a bit of a ground potential difference between your pre and the rest of the system. The Ground Zero will allow you to trouble-shoot, isolate and eliminate it. I am using one with great results.For a pre-amp there are many suggestions (check out a thread on the topic I started plus alot of entries under my main system thread. I love my Classe CP-700 2-box dual-mono pre-amp; it mates extremely well with the Edge NL 12.1 and sounds great!.


Thanks Zephyr. I really am liking the detail, smoothness, bass, and dynamics of the system. The Edge is much more liquid then the Pass X-600 monos I had. The Edge is a keeper for sure. I do have a slight hum that I think is due to a mismatch between the X-1 Pre and the Edge. When I use no pre or a different pre the hum goes away. The other pre I used it with was from my second system and is not anything special- it was used while my X-1 was being serviced. I do not know what to replace it with though as the X-1 is a great piece.


Great looking's good to see another Edge NL fan enjoying his system. How do you like the NL 10.1 amp with the Pass Labs gear and VS speakers? It looks like you've put together one hell of a sweet sounding system that can deliver big dynamic passages and yet still deliver appropriate passages with finesse when called upon...Happy Listening!


System edited: I have made some substantial changes in my system. I sold my Pass X-600 monos, which I absolutely loved. Replacing them is an EDGE NL 10.1 stereo amp rated at 225 watts into 8 ohms. I was a little afraid this was going to be a step down, but with me living in the Phoenix, AZ. area and having my set-up on the west wall, the heat from those giant monos was just too much. I had heard the EDGE 10.1 was very similar to the Pass sound so I took the plunge. I am not disappointed as of yet. The EDGE are extremely detailed, smooth, and very dynamic. My room is easily 7-10 degrees cooler. I'm sure the local electric company will be most disappointed with my selling off of the Pass monos though! I have also moved the stereo pair of VSA subs next to and a bit in front of the main speakers. This really improved phase and thus coherency. I may have already mentioned this but I put a 45 lb marble sandwich on top of the subs too. A must with these powerful subs IMO. Another thing I did was put the Pass X-1 Pre, X-ono, and their power supplies on Final DARUMA3-II'S coupling devices. A "HOLY COW" difference.


System edited: Updated some pics...


The Sr's sound detailed and controlled. The Scoutmaster is, IMHO, a great value and a joy to listen too. I listen to Digital less and less. The new cart and the Mint protractor REALLY helped things along. If I were to do it over I would buy a used Scoutmaster (or Super Scoutmaster) with as many of the VPI upgrades already on it as possible. This saves a bundle, and all the upgrades I have done have been excellent and worthwhile. Whatever TT you get, get a Mint protractor to get the most out of your set-up.


I've wondered what the VS speakers sound like with the iron fist grip of a ss amp like the Pass. Driving my VSVR4jrs with 78 matts of EL34 tubes and am pretty happy. Are you satisfied with the Scoutmaster? Thinking of moving in that direction.


Yes, it did. I too liked my Dyna 20X-H. The sound of the Airy 3 is much more detailed. Bass is more detailed. Very balanced throughout, IMHO.There is so much more going on in the music that I never knew about before. This makes music even more amazing to me. The clarity and separation are incredible. The Airy also has less groove/record noise. The sound is so much more involving it makes it harder and harder to listen to digital sources.
The Mint LP protractor was a great benefit in helping to achieving this. Highly recommended. Here is a link:
Mint Lp
Yip custom makes them for any table-arm combo. I was amazed at how "close " my cart set-up was using the VPI alignment jig, but what a profound difference the Mint protractor makes. It really made the Airy sing.


This replaced the 20X-H I presume? How did the sound change - what were the differences?

I've been toying with going LOMC from my 20X-H, but I'd also need a step up and I'm not so sure I want to introduce that into the chain unless the differences are very dramatic (the 20X-H is pretty good IMO).



System edited: After much consideration and also much help from 'Goners I decided to upgrade my cart to the Zyx Airy 3 low output silver wire cart. Sheeikes! WOW! I also purchased a MintLP protractor for set up. The sound now totally is mesmerizing. Bass and detail to die for, and so listen able and non-fatiguing. The Mint LP protractor is a must have. I can see why VPI uses their protractor, as you can set up your cart in a few minutes. The Mint takes a few hours and lots of patience. But the seasoned audiophile will find it more than worthwhile.


System edited: I added some mass to the VSA subs by sandwiching two 22lb granite slabs together with some Scotch Foam Mounting Squares and stuck 5 silicone non-slip feet on the bottom (1 in the center, thr rest about 2 1/2" in from the corners. This stopped all the cabinet resonance and really improved the bass from these 2 subs. A friend of mine in the marble counter top business made these for me.


System edited: Added Pass Labs phonostage. Love it.


System edited: Added new photo of Scoutmaster- Wanted to show the new light my wife got for my B-day.(I'm OLD). It's a "Little Light". Looked for 2 years to find one, looking in all the wrong places. Little Light is the brand and can be found online. Hope this may save some of you a year or two of bad TT lighting!


System edited: Changed out Adcom GFP-750 Pre for Pass Labs X-1 Pre. Bada Boom, Bada Bing! Updated some pics too! Pass Pre kills the Adcom(same designer-more cost)Love the Pass, can't knock the Adcom.


Thanks Jiegana!
I have been thinking about upgrading my phono cartridge for the last year or two. Do you have any suggestions for a cart to go with the Scoutmaster($800-$1500)? I listen to quite a variety of music. My goals would be realism, dynamics, and sound staging.
As far as the PH-1P, I am very happy with it. I am certainly not an expert on phono stages as I have only used this one and a VPP.1 made by CI Audio. The CI Audio cost around $300 or $400 new and was very good, but it lacked the bass, detail, smoothness, and imaging of the PH 1P, and to be fair it, cost about one fourth as much. The PH 1-P is rated class A by Stereophile magazine. I bought it (online from Acoustic Sounds) based on its reviews, price and excellent resale value.


Very nice equipment.
I was wondering if it's in your plans a cartridge (phono) upgrade. I think you could get more from your analog setup.
I would like you to discuss on the Acoustech Electronics PH-1P. Never heard anything about it.
Thanks and congratulations again.


Glad you like the Pro-9's! I would love for you to post your system so I could have a look. Thanks fo keeping me in your tweaking loop.


Funny you should ask! I just last week got a Pass Labs X-1 pre-amp. What a difference. Much more detail and separation of instruments. Bass to die for. And the way cymbals sound! I'll post pics soon...


Given the high resolution of everything else in your system - I was wondering if you even thought for upgrading your pre-amp from adcom.

Nice system


The Pro9's are awesome. I am not using the jumpers because the Pro9's are 2 individual wires in biwire. I originally was biamping with 2 Belcanto Evo-4.s but when I spoke to David Weinhart at Weinhart designs he suggested to use the Pass biwired. I already had the Pass amp so it was easy. In this case less is more. It was a big difference. I am having Sound Anchors make bases for the VR-4. Exspect the bass to increase even more then it has. My processor is a Meridian 568 2MM which I purchased new obout one year ago. Great proceesor for 2 channel. I am running 2 channel but use the system for DVD's so I need the digital outputs. I will keep you posted on any other tweaks that make those VRs sing. Happy listening


Hello Mancuso54!
I too was impressed with the Pass amps. What model do you have? Also what pre amp do you have? I am currently using the Adcom GFP 750, but am waiting for Fedex to deliver a Pass Labs X-1 Pre this coming week. I am hoping it will be as much an improvement as the Pass amps were. Originaly I had a pair of Adcom 5802's that i was bi-amping with. Let me know what you think of the HT Pro 9+ cables. Are you still going to be using the umbilical cord from VSA, or is your cable split far enough where you can connect one to the bass cab and the other to the mid-treble cabinet? Also, do you use a sub?
Thanks for your post and thanks for your interest in my system. What a fun hobby!


I Have alot of the same equipment VR-4SR, Pass Labs amp which I just hooked up. What a seriuos difference. Very sweet, dynamic and great bass. I am awaiting my Harmonics Pro9 biwires recommended by David at Weinhart designs. Obviously his recommendation was correct.This system is a keeper.


Thanks Jdmeyers77!
I appreciate your kind words and am honored that my kit is your first system post!


Wonderful system! Very tasteful, too! Congratulations.


Showing 26 - 50 of 58 posts