
My 2-channel system is part of my multi-channel home theater set-up. The Adcom pre-amp has a HT bypass. I have been putting my kit together for approximately 7 years making many changes as my listening and finances improved. Thankfully my wife is VERY supportive and has made my obsession even more enjoyable. Audiogon has been a huge help also, as it is a great place to buy gear and learn from fellow enthusiast. My goal is realism. Let the smooth be smooth and the harsh be...harsh!

Components Toggle details

    • Edge Electronics NL 10.1
    Detailed, smooth, dynamic. Very enjoyable. 100 lb beauty.
    • Pass Labs XP-20
    So much more enjoyable than my X-1, which was a great linestage.
    • Pass Labs XP-20 Power Supply
    Innards! Use this for my X-Ono too.
    • Pass Labs XP-15
    Musical, smooth, detailed. Splendid bass. A real joy to listen to.
    • Von Schweikert Audio VR-IV SR
    Great imaging, dynamics. Loads of resolution. I LOVE these speakers!
    • Von Schweikert Audio VR S/1
    Fast well defined bass keeps up with the Sr. 4's. I have a stereo pair to fill out the low bass in my large-ish room in an open floorplan.
    • Von Schweikert Audio LCR-15
    The center channel for the HT. Very clear, fast.
    • VPI Industries Scoutmaster
    A truly wonderful TT. I added the ringclamp which I feel is a very worthwhile upgrade, especialy on regular weight vinyl. I also added a TT Weight center weight- very worthwhile. Added TT Weights adjustable feet. Nicely designed/built.
    • Zyx Airy 3 Silver low output MC
    .24 mv version with silver wire and silver weight.
    • VPI Industries JMW 10.5i Stainless
    Nice upgrade. On the fly VTA adjusment, easier azimuth adjustment
    • VPI Anti-Skating Device
    A must have with the stiffer Nordost wire. A really good design too. The set-up instructions are a joke though.
    • Mint LP Protractor
    Very worth the effort and $110. I really got so much more out of my cartridge with this.
    • Gingko Audio Cloud 11
    Nice isolation for the Scoutmaster.
    • VPI 16.5
    Record cleaning machine- noisy,but effective...A must have IMO
    • PS Audio Power Plant Premier
    Decent. It really cleaned up the sound. I like the steady power to steady my TT motor. Tight plug sockets screwed up the finish on a couple high end plugs though.
    • Onkyo TX-NR905
    I LOVE this AVR. Does all the new codecs, great DAC, versatile, easy to use, sounds great.
    • Denon DVD-2500BTCI
    Plays blurays nicely. HDMI out transport only.
    • Denon DVD 5900
    Built like a tank. Plays DVD's beautifuly, also does CD, DVD-A, SACD pretty well.
    • PS Audio Perfect Wave DAC
    I am truly impressed with this DAC. Seems to do everything pretty much right.
    • Harmonic Technology Magic Reference Tweeter
    These go to the Vons' tweeter-mid cabinets. They really make cymbals shine and fill out the beginning and ending of notes. Truly revealing cables.
    • Harmonic Technology Magic Reference Woofer
    Wow! These power the Vons' bass cabinets. A BIG step up from the Pro 9+ they replaced. These cables have great bass definition and are smooth and very clean.
    • Harmonic Technology Magic One
    I use these throughout the system. Really clean and detailed, free of grain. Loads of bass. I really like Harmonic Tech's products. Most of these have been modded with new sleeving and reterminated by myself with custom lengths.
    • Homemade Power Cords Oyaide Tunami w/ Oyaide Plugs
    Also have condutive carbon shielding jacket. I am proud of these. Great sounding/looking.
    • Harmonic Technology Pro Ac 11 & Fantasy AC-10
    Good cords. Reterminated and covered with conductive carbon sleeving. Used for the VSA subs and DVD and Bluray players.
    • Furutech e-TP80
    Passive line conditioner. Used for TV,and DVR.
    • custom made Granite Mass Sandwich
    I sandwiched two 22lb granite slabs together with some Scotch Foam Mounting Squares and stuck 5 silicone feet on the bottom (1 in the center, 4 about 2 1/2" from the edges.
    • Furutech FT-D20A
    Gold duplex receptacle. Did not expect much but a strong grip on my heavy power cords. I heard a tremendous improvement in bass and clarity. When my wife came home and asked what I had done to the system with a cheerful tone I knew that I hadn't gone crazy.
    • Scotch Foam Mounting Squares
    Removable foam tape. I used this to secure the point disc to my ceramic tile for the 2 VSA subs. WOW! Best cheap tweak ever!
    • Former Equipment below Former Equipment Below
    Former Equipment Below
    • Pass Labs X-600
    Another photo...
    • Pass Labs X-600
    Never ending headroom- soooo clean and detailed, dynamics that stun!
    • Musical Fidelity TriVista SACD Player
    RIP- $6500 paper weight.
    • VPI Industries JMW Memorial 9 Signature
    I upgraded from the stock JMW Memorial 9. The Nordost wire is a bit stiffer and made the VPI anti-skating device a must with my set-up.
    • Dynavector 20XH
    Nice match for the Scout!
    • Pass Labs X-1
    Replaced with XP-20
    • Pass Labs X-ONO
    Replaced by XP-15. This one was modded by Wayne Colburn at Pass. It was really good.

Comments 58

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Nice system! Quality equipment and set-up.
