
Finally got moved in. Sound is good but i have a couple nasty peaks at 80, and 100 hz. Trying different speaker/chair/ treatment options to decrease these humps. I just ordered the new panasonic ae 3000 and Carada 117" 2.35 screen which should arrive next week.

I also just ordered a set of Gregg Staley's reality cables ic's for the Shindo's.

Components Toggle details

    • Apple Mac Mini
    Attached to a ext. hd running itunes software.
    • Paradesea + USB dac
    Got this one ebay for $500. Very nice tube dac.
    • Gregg Straley Reality cables
    • Shindo Aurieges
    Handmade by Ken Shindo. Linestage only. May move up the line if i win the lottery.
    • Shindo Montille
    Love this Shindo stuff!
    • Auditorium 23 3 meter
    Speaker cables
    • Living voice IBX's
    Hi efficiency. Excellent synergy with the shindo gear.
    • Guizu noblesse
    Beautiful and built incredibly well.
    • Velodyne DD15
    15" for ht duty only.
    • Panasonic AE 3000
    1080p lcd projector
    • Carada 117x50
    For 2.35 movies

Comments 54

Your room is looking great. How about some more pictures?


System edited: I have added curtains and a full room pack of realtraps. I hid them behind the curtains to make it look better. Not ideal placement but could not handle the recommended positions. Hopefully they will absorb some bass bloat. Still without a digital source. 125" wide 2.35 screen should be here any day now.


LOVE YOUR BOXERS!! Our "Salsa" looks exactly like your brindle. Loved the Pic!!!!


Pictures updated. Star ceiling going in now. Can't wait to have tunes again. Been out almost a year now!


That's very impressive. Love the stars. Such a fantastic illusion of a curved ceiling. tried to tell you who and where I am but audiogon was watching my gullible back for me {thanks audiogon}. Never the less, I'm VERY close!


Here is the pic of what i am hoping to accomplish:


Now that we all know what you are listening through,, who are you listening to? what you are doing is really exciting, your wife will hopefully enjoy your efforts as mine does. She just keeps insisting that I could have much worse hobbies and I have been very frugal, buying used stuff from Nicholsons HiFi before he closed. I even bought a pair of B&O speakers right out of Alex's living room for my store! But I'm truly lusting over T Bone's Jadis Horns. If those crazy things sound as good as they look I would love to have some slightly smaller ones.


Hi Irishwolf,

Very perceptive! I do live in the Belmont/hillsboro village area on 19th ave. They are putting the finishing touches on the drywall and supposed to put the floors in next week.
I should be completed in May. We'll have to get together sometime. Have decided to get a mac mini and use my mhdt paradesea + dac. This remodeling is soooo slow going! Wife said she wouldn't do it again!


Hey Daddy,
I am guessing by the style of your windows you might live in Richland/Hillsboro/Belmont. Worth any amount of $ to restore in any of those neighborhoods. I have a friend in R/WE who keeps prodding me to do as you have and just buy hard drives for my Apple. I have been a staunch tube/horn listener for some time and have resisted after hearing the sharp, hollow tinnieness [is that even a word?] of his set up. But to give him credit, his wife made him install speakers in the ceiling. Not all his fault. But I would like to hear what a computer sounds like through tubes and decent speakers. I'll trade you a listen sometime.


Thanks guys. Lokie, it is a flat ceiling for the most part. The last 2 feet has a downward slant to it. Not done for acoustics just the way it ended up.

I will be totally covering up the windows to get a light controlled room for a front 2.35 widescreen projection setup.
I have looked at the asc website and they have these panels that fit snuggly into windows. This would serve 2 purposes, keeping sound in and keeping it dark. Will have to call today to get the price.

Will have to check it out in a month or so. I am going to put a fiberoptic ceiling in there too. Should look cool.


15X22 is going to be a great room! Mine is 14X23.6 and it is PLENTY for a music/theater room, good luck on the finish of your project!


Your room is looking great. Is the ceiling flat or does it have some slant to it? Couldn't quite make it out in the pictures. Have you done any soundproofing or any other "built in" acoustical treatments.



Room Dimensions are 8feet tall x 15 wide x 22 long. Looks small in pictures.


Hey Lokie,
I'll shoot you a pm. Any advice is appreciated!


I have a very similar system... Monbrison pre and the LV IBX. I am in the process of setting up a Mac system and am awaiting the arrival a Wavelentgh Cosecant. It took me a long time to make a decision on how to do a computer based system but I think I finally got it figured out and it should prove to be alot of fun and sound really good. I may have some wiring suggestions for you while you're still in the construction stage if you want to email me.

The LV's have been problematic with placement. They really like my long wall which I didn't want to do in my living room. But, they really sound great once I got them dialed in. I call them the poor mans Kharma's. I don't know what kind of cabeling you use but the switch to Auditorium 23's was a good move.

Good luck with your construction and put up some progress pictures.


Thanks twb2. I will eventually get there. This remodel stuff is more expensive than i thought! Next spring when i'm done i will get the system back up and running.


I would strongly reccommend going for the Wavelength Cosecant. I have one, previously the Brick, and now also the Crimson. The MacMini and Apple\Lossless
combo is a winner. Vinyl is of course the best, but HD audio with any of the Wavelength dacs, or even the Benchmark is great.


System edited: Added pic of developing room.


On the audio side, i am planning to buy a mac mini and use the itouch as a remote control. I will be using a usb dac connected to the mini. I have a mhdt paradesea +, but haven't had a chance to really hear it yet.


I am planning on blocking out that window and putting a 2.35:1 "scope" screen up. Kind of like member Hobby has in his virtual system:


System edited: Added pic of room as it is developing.....


Well, actually i am wavering on what to do. I have considered AE to a modified reclocker to a spdif dac, a modified sonos into spdif dac, and now a usb dac. I am leaning on getting a wavelength cosecant dac and buying a used ibook. What do you guys think?


Can u explain your digital source and the "some sort of DAC feeding the AE"? with the quality of the rest of your gear, you owe it to yourself to have a good DAC (since you cannot go analog:)!). C'mon, spend $1200 on a Benchmark USB DAC 1 and save on a few 2*4! Congrats on putting the money in your speakers first.


Nice gear you have there, I guess you win the biggest geek award for your gym efforts lol.


I almost know it! A few weeks and I'm joining you as a Shindo owner.

You young fellas without some vinyl (I have 4 crates from my "childhood" and have been buying new vinyl for five years or so)... Feels funny to say that, since I'm in my middling thirties.

I think the PC based system is definitely the way to go. I'm enormously impressed with running lossless into a good DAC.

Enjoy your green machines and dedicated room. Keep well.



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