
Finally got moved in. Sound is good but i have a couple nasty peaks at 80, and 100 hz. Trying different speaker/chair/ treatment options to decrease these humps. I just ordered the new panasonic ae 3000 and Carada 117" 2.35 screen which should arrive next week.

I also just ordered a set of Gregg Staley's reality cables ic's for the Shindo's.

Components Toggle details

    • Apple Mac Mini
    Attached to a ext. hd running itunes software.
    • Paradesea + USB dac
    Got this one ebay for $500. Very nice tube dac.
    • Gregg Straley Reality cables
    • Shindo Aurieges
    Handmade by Ken Shindo. Linestage only. May move up the line if i win the lottery.
    • Shindo Montille
    Love this Shindo stuff!
    • Auditorium 23 3 meter
    Speaker cables
    • Living voice IBX's
    Hi efficiency. Excellent synergy with the shindo gear.
    • Guizu noblesse
    Beautiful and built incredibly well.
    • Velodyne DD15
    15" for ht duty only.
    • Panasonic AE 3000
    1080p lcd projector
    • Carada 117x50
    For 2.35 movies

Comments 54

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Nice pics Streetdaddy. Hope your "other hobbies" don't conflict with your "new tweak" . . . ;)

What kind of tubes does the shindo amp use?

How's the acoustic treatments assessment or possible changes coming along? Any diffusion consideration?


Thanks for the answer on what treatments you're using. RealTraps makes reputable products.

Have you tried pulling the bass traps on your front wall (behind the curtain) out from the wall 6"-7" to improve the low freq absorption? Resistive type bass traps with fibreglass are most effective when positioned so that they are 1/4 of the wavelength away from the wall. Which freq wavelength you ask? It should be the Schroeder (also called the Transition) frequence which for small residential rooms is about 300Hz to a more conservative 500Hz. One-quarter wavelengths are then 11.3" and 6.8" respectively, so try experimenting pulling them away by these amounts to improve the bass region.

Regarding the important WAF - I'd suggest you try listening with and without 1st reflection point absorption. Have you read Dr Floyd Toole's latest book? His years of acoustical research have shown that side wall latteral reflections (at 1st reflection points) are actually positive things by increasing the apparent source width. Another option is to try what I did which is to build a hemi-cylindrical diffuser with bass trap in its interior. The diffuser looks like an architectual column which will kill flutter echo's between the side walls and help with bass too. There's also the cool looking Skyline diffusers which when built with wood of your choice and stained look like a piece of art work . . .

Be careful not to over absorb the room. Remember that Ethan makes his living by selling you as many bass traps as you care to buy but bass traps don't stop absorbing at 300-500Hz so they over dampen the mid freq's too. One way to overcome this is to place a sheet of 1/4" plywood in front of the bass trap so mid/high frequencies are not absorbed. Sorry about being long winded - just trying to pass along some sound wisdom that has worked well for my room.


Kale - cool looking blue lights around the ceiling perimeter!! I bet that scores high WAF points. . .

What acoustic treatments are you using - are those absorption panels along the side walls horizontally oriented near the speakers? Have you considered diffusion within your room at all? Looks good as is though.
