
This theater started with a B&K Components AVP-2000 processor and AV-5000 amp with decent results. The Upgrade Bug hit hard when I found a used, but excellent shape EAD TheaterMaster Ovation processor and PowerMaster 500 for only $2,700! I now have a fantastic preamp/proc. for both music and HT that is upgradable and sounds much smoother, musically cohesive and dynamic than the old B&K AVP2000. Not to mention adding DD, DTS, and HDCD! Unfortunately, my Sony DVD player is an early model that does not output a DTS signal, so I'm not able to listen in DTS yet. I absolutely love the CAL Icon MkII Power Boss CD Player - fantastic bass control and wide open sound. Also decodes HDCD. Some people have told me that the EAD PowerMaster 500 amp sounds better than the higher powered PM1000 and PM2000. I don't know because I haven't heard them, but many people are disappointed that the PM500 is discontinued. The B&W DM series speakers do an adequate job, but I think they are a little too laid back in combination with the EAD units, and I don't think I am hearing all the potential detail and depth that the EAD is capable of. The weakest link now would probably be the subwoofer (which was all I could afford at the time, but I have never been satisfied with it). Just got the ELCO DC-32 digital coax IC for $45 on Audiogon because it is discontinued (was previously $300). No comment yet until I break it in and give it a listen. The company says they discontinued it because the silver cable slowly oxidizes and gradually loses its sound quality over time, but that I should enjoy about 3 years of normal use before having to get a new cable. For $45, it has to be better than the Radio Shack digital coax I was temporarily using! The LAT International IC and speaker cables are a fantastic value and in my listening tests, I preferred them by a wide margin over Kimber 8TC, Tara RSC and some XLO cables I borrowed from the Cable Company. You would have a hard time beating the LATs at their price point!

Components Toggle details

    • E A D Theatermaster Ovation
    Beautiful looks, wonderful sound!
    • E A D PowerMaster 500
    Matching 5 ch. X 100w amp. Smooth Sound!
    • B & K Components AV-5000
    Using to power sub. 105w x 5, 40 lbs
    • Sony DV-S3000
    2nd Gen. DVD Player, no DTS
    • California Audio Labs Icon MkII w/Power Boss Upgrade
    Upgraded internal power supply
    • B & W Loudspeakers DM-602
    Decent 2 way monitor
    • B & W Loudspeakers CC-6
    Matching 2 way center channel
    • B & W Loudspeakers DS-6
    Matching THX dipole rear channel
    • BIC V-6
    • LAT International IC 200 mkII
    • LAT International SS-1000D Biwire
    Silverfuse wire, spacious and full sound
    • Adcom ACE-515
    ac filter, surge protection

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Hifiguy, You're on the right track, get rid of anything with the B&K name on it, the Bic Sub and the older B&W speakers. I would suggest that you nail down the speakers first and then you will actually be able to hear the differences between DVD players and other sources. If you like the B&W line, try 5 or 6 of the DM602S2's and an ASW 1000...or better yet if you can find an ASW2000. The 2000 is discontinued and replaced by the ASW2500 which is awful. The new S2 version kills the old DM602's and DS-6. The CC-6 is only good for about 78hz on the bottom end. A DM602S2 will play down to 52hz. It will give you better timbre match across the front. If you can afford to step up to the Nautilus series, a pair of N803's in front, a pair of N805's in the rear, and either an N805 for the center or an HTM2 center. The squashed SCM1's suck so don't go there. The ASW3000 is a good match for the Nautilus system and the ASW4000 is better. The first system is about $2150 if you can find a used ASW2000 sub for about $500. The second one comes in at about $10k. I've listened to the CDM series and can't warm up to them. The CDM 1NT has the best balance but it doesn't hang an image like the N805's do for $800 more. A friend of mine swears by the 5 matching monitors concept. He likes 5 N805's and a sub. If your dealer will break up a pair, this would be $5000 without stands and then you still need a sub. If he won't sell you 5(805's), then get the HTM2 for the is an N805 laid on its side and its the same price as one N805. Now if you're not particularly married to B&W, then order up 5 of the MTM-18's from For $3375+ freight you'll have the butt kickingest theater setup that you can get for under $10k. But they are have to build them. The tweeter of choice is the 9500.
