
This setup is tuned to play ''correct''.

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    • Symposium Svelte shelf
    For Wilson Sophias
    • Symposium Rollerblock JR
    used as spike feet for Sophia 2
    • dCS Puccini
    SACD/CD Player
    • Sonus Faber Elipsa Auditor
    Bookshelf version of Stradivari:)
    • Furutech FT-SWS (R) Wall outlets
    FT-SWS (R) Rhodium Plated Non-magnetic pure copper conductors and Carbon fiber finished front plate
    • Stereovox XV2
    Home Theater
    • Harmonic Tech AC-11 Pro AC Cable
    for Richard Gray's
    • Isotek Nova
    Power Conditioner for sources.
    • finite elemente Pagode Master Reference
    Black pearl structure,high-gloss polished
    • Purist Audio Design Anniversary Power Cord 20 amp
    for krell Evo 402
    • dCS Puccini U clock
    master clock and USB converter for audio files.
    • Oyaide Tunami
    DIY cord for Isotek. Neutrik powercon
    • Furutech FI-50 R M
    male schuko,New Piezo Ceramic Series Connectors
    • JL Audio Fathom F-112
    cinema system and 2 channel
    • Audience AU-24 E version
    not yet decided where it goes.
    • Pranawire Kensho
    • Esoteric C-03
    • Focal Scala Utopia
    utopia series 3
    • Purist Audio Design Anniversary XLR
    • Purist Audio Design Proteus Provectus Powercord
    • Stealth Audio Indra
    a white colored interconnect:)
    • Stealth Audio Dream
    it is not heavy as my ex Transparents
    • Boulder 1060
    • Running Springs Audio Duke
    Just for Boulder 1060
    • Purist Audio Design Aqueous Aureus Praesto Rev. Cord
    modified for Boulder 1060
    • Running Springs Audio Mongoose
    dedicated cord of Duke

Comments 182



I have already traded T3 UHC for Pranawire Kensho. However, I am still waiting for it since Joe Cohen of Pranawire is a busy guy:) Regarding Top of the SR Tesla Series, I may guess their performance since I know weaknesses of its lower range!



Hi Mert,
I agree with you about the T3 UHC. I could not stand it in my system as well. Synergistic makes two power cords to be used with the powercell. The T3 UHO and Precision AC. I’m was not too impressed with the T3 as well. It is a very system dependent cable. It works much better on my lower ‘fi” HT equipment. The T3 is warm but I found it restricting in the mid & top end in my system. The Precision AC is a much better cord. It has everything the T3 is lacking. I suggest you trade it in for a Precision AC and maybe even try it with a Hologram A on amp and Hologram D on CDP. They all work together. That is the real Tesla Challenge for you… I hope you give it a try, many have and converted.



No. It is not. It is made for specialy SR Powercell device. SR claims particularly this unit that it will not limit even extremely high powered amps. I have krell Evo 402 which consumes almost 600 watts even in standby mode.
If SR Tesla T3 UHC will not work with this amp, what else then?
BTW, I bought T3 UHC for my Isotek conditioner but never used more than 2 days when I plug:) In other words I couldn't suffer:) I prefered Isotek's own cheapish cord over SR T3 UHC. Afterwards, I made a DIY Oyaide Tunami with best Furutech plug money can buy.(Furutech’s Pure Transmission FI-50 Piezo Ceramic series)
In addition, it retails for 1200usd, this is quite expensive compared to its overall performance!


The T3 UHC was made for lower "fi" equipment. With your fine equipment, you need to try the Synergistic Hologram A on Amp and Hologram D on CDP. Those cords a leaps better than the T3.


Stockcords are back!!!
I don't have any idea how new cx sounds like but I can tell that I have taken my 20 amp Shunyata Anaconda out(Audio Research Ref 3) and put its black stock cord back. What happened? Nothing! Still sounding perfect! Anybody who is up to buy clearance Shunyata cords has to think twice!

Synergistic Research Tesla challenge?
No Thank you! I have SR Tesla 3 UHC 20 amp. I sometimes use it with Krell Evo 402. You may think both Krell and SR would work well together in theory, in practice Not.
I have never seen such a limiting cable like SR Tesla 3 UHC. It is funny because this cable sold and marketed for UHC capabilities. In reality, even my PAD Ann. 20 amp cord works at least 2.5 times better than SR.

I use modified stock cords together with Krell and ARC gear during these days and it seems they work more than adequate!


I know some folks want to know my opinion about ARC REF 3 and new dedicated dCS Puccini U clock.
Let me first begin with Puccini U clock: I can't state exactly which particular areas clocked version(mine) bettered the one box Puccini one. However, I had feeling that the clocked Puccini worked more refined, accurate, detailed and musical from very beginning.
It is very funny from my side that I got good result with Stereovox XV2(borrowed from my HT setup only 200$) BNC cable. By the way I have used Acrolink Mexcel 7N-Pc7100 Pcord for Puccini U clock not because of it is very superior copper based cable but I couldn't employ this cable anywhere else. Those of you who is up to buy a dCS or any other manufact. dedicated clock, can make a simple DIY cord and forget the rest of the issue.
One more point for current and potential buyers: make sure you pressed dither on button. dCS doesn't go details in user's handbook but it makes differance.
I will continue commenting on ARC REF 3 tomarrow...



First of all, I will not use JL 112 Fathom for main 2 channel setup. It will serve for H.T setup, plus, I try to build up a secondary 2 channel system by using my cute Sonus Faber Elipsa Auditor speakers, DCS Puccini's spare RCA outputs and Classe Cap-2100 integtated amplifier. Don't ask me how and why I combine so many equipment together. This another story...
As far as Transparent Cable concerned, reference series has best price-value ratio.
What I heard from a fellow audiogoner about ultra MM2 is it is good as old reference MM.

Without any reservation , Transparent is good cable indeed.




Can you comment on the need for the JL Audio subwoofer? I just had my new Sophia Series 2 installed 3 days ago. I am getting measurable bass response down to 20hz in my room, with actually an excess of output at 31 Hz and 25 Hz based on the Stereophile test CD and my radioshack SPL meter. I have a Fathom F113 I use for home theater, but I can't imagine needing it for music listening with the Sophias unless listening at exceedingly loud levels or to pipe organ music. It may help that my room is only 14.5 x16.5 x9 feet. I am looking to upgrade my speaker cables and transparent is on my short list. I cannot afford the reference series cables. Any comments on the Transparent Ultra w/ MM2 technology? Thanks.



System edited: dCS U Clock in action together with ARC REF 3. JL Audio F 112 is still on waiting list for placement together with Classe Cap-2100. I will summarize what I have done untill now and got matterfact. Comming soon!


I already knew ARC was an exceptional preamp.(or guessed based on reviews from different sources) I had a chance to hear it briefly with Krell 400 Evo monos, YG Anat Ref, Esoteric X-01 se. Than, I have decided to experiment with it due my setup with Boulder 810 became insensitive to cable changes, maybe reached its potential.
Maybe by going with ARC, I have got closer to ''ULTIMATE'' Sophia based system.


Hi Mert,

Any particular reasons for changing your preamp to Arc?

I'm thinking of getting the Arc also to match with Classe CA301 power amp. Current preamp Classe CP60.


Thanks Mert. I will definitely go with Transparent Cables. I am thinking of trying out the Pass XA.5 line, if money permits. Look forward to seeing the new pics!



I have replaced Boulder 810 with Audio Research REF 3. Boulder 810 will work fine either with Krell and Pass. If you don't listen loud, Pass will be a fine match. If you like your music loud, go with Krell. Sophia is not an easy load. Its impedance drops below 4 ohm .(3.26 exactly) It is useful to drive the Sophia with an amp which can double its output when impedance is 4 ohm.
Pass X250.5 will leave Class A after 30 Watts. Therefore it won't be sounding good as it was still within Class A.
However Krell will be still sounding very accurate and good under extreme conditions.(eg if somehow speaker impedance drops below 2 ohm, lets say Apogee Scintella , Krell will be driving it but not the Pass Labs X250.5.
I recommend Transparent Cables between Boulder and Pass, plus from Pass to Sophia. All the gear I have mentioned are powercord sensitive. So you have to be careful while selecting the right match.
I hope this helps...

Note: I will be updating the pictures soon. Waiting for new dCS clock. Its arrival will be a bit late due funeral of Mr. Stevens(RIP), director and founder of dCS.



I am probably going to buy a pair of sophia 2s in the next few month along with a Boulder 810 pre amp. My question is... Do you like the Krell 402 sound with your system or do you prefer the PASS 250.5 that you had before? BTW- you have a terrific set up. Thanks


Let us know what do you think about the U-Clock. In my system the change was neglible - not worth the money for sure. I'm also running my Puccini direct, bypassing ARC Ref 3 preamp.


Puccini U-clock will be in house in a few weeks. However, Krell Evolution 402 is out of order for almost one week. Still we don't know what happened and how happened:)
In addition, I bought a Classe Cap-2100 integrated for my Sonus speakers. It will be used together with Meridian G 95 and dCS Puccini. I have some new DIY cables for Isotek Nova and Classe. Details and new pictures will be soon here.


Thank you Kops. You have a good amp indeed. I have tried using directly DCS as well together with Krell 402.(interconnect was PAD Anniversary XLR) Result was too good to believe but sometimes less is more and I switched to my preamp back.:)


Hi Mert very nice system, I run my dCS Puccini directly to my Gryphon Antilleon Signature and the best power cord for Puccini I heard is the Stealth Dream.

Congrats for your very very good system!


the folks who have asked about Krell Evo 402 here is my indirect answer how it sounds:
1) Exact Power EP-15A gone, Krell connected directly to a dedicated wall outlet.
2) Isotek Nova took duty of delivering juice for pre and cdp.(made in england and retails 3500-4000 usd in US, expert on 240V market and known with Nordost Thor)
3) Nordost Valhalla IC replaced by JPS Aluminata for neutral presentation.
4) Elrod EPS-2 signiture is removed from Boulder to DCS Puccini.
5) Acrolink 7N-PC7100 removed from DCS to Boulder 810.
6)Lastly Shunyata Anaconda replaced by Purist Audio Anniversary cord.( mids opened , overall sound improved , made maybe most major positive impact.

System is in balance again. There is no need for preamp change. Check and mate!


System edited: a few new pictures!


Thank you for nice comps!
PAD Anniversary powercord is in action for Krell 402 !!!
Shunyata Anaconda went on holiday !!!
Nordost Valhalla powered Meridan G95 receiver, Vishnu powered Sony Bravia Full hd LCD.
Finite elemente master reference stand set finally arrived and my gear happily settled!!!


Sir... regardless of your lack of a dedicated listening room, I hate to be the bearer of bad news.... YOU are hardcore. Krell, Wilson, etc., etc., very nice!


A very different problem!!


300kg? :) The speaker that big will limit our living spaces:)


Showing 51 - 75 of 182 posts