
A beginner's system, I started out with the Wharfedales and the NAD, feeding them MP3's from the Airport Express. I knew better quality sound was out there and toy'd with the idea of getting an external DAC and ripping to lossless (which is something I still might do). But just this week I picked up the Project Debut III turn table and MAN, it sounds amazing! It feels like the artists are in the room with you ... And vinyl is sooo easy on the ears, it's a definite pleasure to listen to.

For the immdediate future (open to suggestions):

-Better stands

-Standalone CD Player (or external DAC for the AE)

Future Future Plans (might be a completely different system entirely):

-Creek Integrated

-B&W 603

-Rega Apollo CD Player

-ClearAudio Emotion Table

Components Toggle details

    • Project Debut III
    Just picked this up, vinyl sounds AMAZING! Sure beats the Airport Express I've been using
    • Project Phono Box II
    Got this to go with the Project Debut III
    • NAD C325BEE
    NAD's recently updated budget integrated (sounds nice and works well with my speakers)
    • Wharfedale Diamond 9.1
    These sound GREAT! Especially for the price, I think a superb starting point for me.

Comments 3

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The CD is dead man.....get a high quality USB DAC and rip in Appple Lossless. Records are for serious listening.

Then upgrade the speakers, the AD is a killer piece and will last you at least a year in this hobby (that's a long time BTW). Cool looking loft BTW!
