
This is my living room system. Mostly used for background music rather than critical listening, I want to balance hifi performance with livability. Since the speakers are unique, my other equipment selections were made to compliment the Tannoys. The GRF Professional was a forefather to the current Westminster. It uses a 15" Monitor Gold dual concentric driver in a large back-loaded horn cabinet. It's one of the largest cabinets Tannoy sold - only the rare Autograph Professionals with 2 x 15" drivers per cabinet were larger. These cabinets have sufficient volume to generate Stygian bass. While not exactly neutral, they compensate by sounding very natural, combining gorgeous tone with colorful harmonics. I'm especially fond of these speakers.

I use this system 80% of the time, because it's in the living room where it can be enjoyed while doing other activities like reading, eating, and socializing.

Components Toggle details

    • Tannoy GRF Professional
    15" Monitor Gold drivers in original back loaded horn cabinets. These are large speakers, nearly the size of a kitchen refrigerator.
    • Lamm Industries M-2.1
    200wpc hybrid power amplifier. I bought these for my main system. While listening first on the Tannoys, I was pleasantly surprised at how well they matched the speakers. They bring a welcome sense of balance to the Tannoys.
    • Ayre Acoustics K-3x
    ss, balanced
    • Lavry DA-10
    • McIntosh MR-74
    for NPR / KING / KEXP broadcasts
    • Antenna Performance Specialties APS-13 Antenna
    High-gain FM dipole antenna
    • Technics SP-10 mkII
    DD, SH-10B3 obsidian base
    • Technics EPA-100
    Titanium arm tube, dynamic damping, ruby bearings
    • Purist Audio Design PAD Dominus and Venustas
    • Morrow Audio SP-3
    speaker cables
    • Apple Airport
    WiFi connection from MacBook Pro to Lavry DAC

Comments 53

When do we get to see the new babies?? Are they going in the upstairs system?


System edited: Took delivery of vintage Monitor Golds in factory Autograph GRF Professional cabinets. They are very large, nearly the size and volume of my refrigerator. Each weighs close to 200# and moving them in was an exercise in strength and agility. Just hooked up, and getting familiar with my new speakers


Once you get the Garrard set up, you need to take a picture immeadiately. I think you need to get January Jones (Betty from Mad Men) to pose with your gear. Now that would be a score!!!


Macdadtexas - my first "high end" TT was the AR. It had a Shure V15MR cartridge, was beautiful to look at and listen to, and I regret ever selling it. Last year I found a Garrard 301 in my parent's closet. What a score... Grease bearing in hammer tone grey. I need to get a plinth and enjoy. It would look great with the 3012 and SPU.

With the addition of LPs, music is so much more enjoyable.


You need to add an AR turntable on this system, it just looks like it is begging for one!!! Or better yet, a Garrard 301, sweeeeet.


System edited: Added phono source. Loving it.


Macdadtexas - Checked out your system. Very nice... Thanks for the note.


Beautiful, it makes me want to drink a martini, look at a Playboy magazine, and listen to Miles Davis.


I have a pair of the devores and I must say they are quite possibly the most amazing speakers I have heard. often I will be listening to something and my roommate will think it is me playing the guitar. That is a home run in my book.


Which speaker do your prefer in your little room system and why - devore or Tannoy?


System edited: updated - replaced Mcintosh tuner with Sansui. Upgraded Sony CDP-3000 with Sony CDP-5000. Added Purist Dominus and Venustas wire.


System edited: Added Threshold FET-10 linestage. Lamm moved back to the big system.


Is that an Eames Lounger in the picture? It looks new.



System edited: Added Lamm L1 preamp and Marantz 8B power amp. Removed VAC Avatar integrated amp. I'm listening to this little system about 75% of the time now. Even though it is smaller and much less expensive than my main system, it delivers 80% of the enjoyment. I think I can live with this for awhile.


System edited: Well, there is always more to learn in this hobby. It's amazing how superior the Marantz 8B is compared to the VAC. Both are EL-34 PP circuits with similar power ratings (based on measured performance). Yet, music is recreated with more power, control and swing on the 8B. I suspect the answer lies in the power transformers. Can it really account for the jump from merely good to great sound?


System edited: Added Marantz 8B. Using VAC Avatar as preamp.


can u describe the cabs you have the Tannoys in? This is a great system....!


System edited: Updated description, components, and added pictures. Many changes - finally feel this is a system I can happily live with and enjoy. I probably listen to this "little" system 75% because it is in a common use area of the house. My big system is downstairs in a dedicated room. This system serves up hours of satisfaction, but when I power up the big horns downstairs, it is amazing how good the big system is. But, the enjoyment is only an incremental improvement compared to this system. Conclusion - big audio is great fun, but music enjoyment comes in many different shapes and sizes. Kind of like women.


I don't regularly check this thread and just read your post. This forum is for system comments, not airing real or imagined grievances. But then, you're a champ at being a victim... I have 42 transactions on Audiogon, all positive feedback (including yours). Selling my speakers to you was easily my most high-maintenance transaction.
- You asked me to hold my speakers for you without a deposit or any other form of commitment
- You were unable to pay promptly and asked for time to raise cash
- You are correct in that I took extraordinary measures to pack the speakers (better than OEM) for shipment
- And like a spineless weasel you first implied that I sent you a damaged speaker, even with evidence of catastrophic damage to the packing materials from shipping

Speaking of "very gentle imprecations", you are a pain in the ass. I should have been more discriminating before accepting your offer. Go away, Richard.


System edited: Added Devore Gibbon Super 8 speakers


Scott Kushino sold me a beautiful pair of Alon Circe's last year and packed them very carefully and well. Even so, they suffered some small damage in shipment by DHL. I had them repaired at a cost of $225 and filed a claim with DHL. They required that the shipper, Scott Kushino, sign off on his interest in them and he agreed--twice-- to do this. Despite frequent and repeated requests to him to help me with this claim simply by signing the necessary documents, the wording for which I forwarded to him, and despite his agreeing to do so, he has failed again and again to sign or even to respond to my (very gentle) imprecations. If anyone can explain this behavior to me, I would appreciate knowing. By the way, the claim remains open until September. Perhaps Mr. Kushino could make the effort to follow through on his promise by then.


System edited: Auditioned Eico ST-70. No go. Too vintage sounding: soft and wooly. In retrospect, the Eico isn't consistent with my "Toyota Camry" plan for reliable everyday use. So, still searching for a contemporary 30 - 40 watt tube integrated amp. Considering: Jadis Orchestra, Vac Avatar, Manley Stingray, other....


System edited: replaced Sansui tuner with Mcintosh MR-74. Man, I love this little system. Looks cool and sounds good.


Golden Oldies on 45th in Wallingford is a wonderful used record store. The sales people have all been there for years and are very in tune with the huge inventory. They also have been great about recomendations based on passed purchases.
Good luck.


System edited: Added Sony CDP-X3000 CD player. I really like this unit. It was for Japan only, has beautiful aesthetics, and sounds nice. The transport is a unique top loader beneath a sliding acrylic cover with a fixed laser, so the CD spindle actually moves, rather than the laser assembly. It is cool to watch, and a pleasure to use and listen to.


Showing 26 - 50 of 53 posts