
Keeping it simple...

I have been using the Nuforce ref 9 SE V2 for a little while now and the upgrade from the V1 SE is amazing.

Components Toggle details

    • Wadia 860se GNSC ref.
    With SE and GNSC reference upgrade
    • Nuforce Ref. 9 SE V3
    Works great with Wilson. I have used 9.02, SE V1, V2 and now the V3. A great step up.
    • Wilson Audio Sophia
    Dark grey titanium
    • Nordost Valhalla
    They do have a sound, but it's great.
    • Nordost Valhalla Power
    Supplies the Wadia with power
    • Nordost Tyr
    I feel the Tyr has a better lower end and midrange than my old Valkyria. Makes me wonder what Valhalla can offer...
    • Finite Elements Cerapuc
    Performs very well under the Wadia

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System edited: Been doing some minor changes lately. Rather satisfying actually.



Through the last 15 years I've used a 300B-amp, a Pass Aleph 5 and different versions of Nuforce 9 (9.02, SE and SE V2. In my current room I previously used JM Lab Mini Utopia but never with the Nuforces. Wadia has been my friend since my first model 6, which I bought about 14 years ago. My taste in music is rather varied; jazz, opera, rock and pop. Very seldom what you could call "list music" though.

Earlier I kind of missed the spectacular sound stage and pin point imaging that I had with my Mini Utopias. My Wilsons could not provide it in my room. Since the V2 of the Nuforce that has been much improved, also the top end air that I felt was missing with the earlier Nuforces is now much better. I now have a very expansive three-dimensional soundstage, great bass respons and a sound that is never ever hard.

My experince with Verity is limited to Parsifal (Encore?) with Mac-gear and the Fidelios together with Pathos monoblocks driven by Wadia 7 & 27. Both these occasions have provided very good sound, they will probably work just fine with Nuforce as well.

I hope this will help some.



Thanks. I try to squeeze in some quality time listening. Sometimes it works....


I've just bought a pair of Nuforce Special Edition. It'll be interesting to hear the differences... I'll recieve them in a week or so.


The Sophias are pretty happy being that close to the back wall. They were put there by maybe the most experienced Wilson owner in Sweden. They have quite a lot of space to the sides and maybe that helps. But maybe the bass will be even better if I moved them further into the room, however that's not possible with our living room usually doubling as play area for our small kids...

Nice hearing you say that since I haven't actually heard the SE version. I'm hoping for a little more "lifelike" top end.
