I am 27 years old and ventured seriously into acquiring serious stuff 3 years ago. It was hard to get decent stuff in M'sia due to its hi tax and relatively more expensive selling price. For now, I am very happy with the sound. If I were to surpass this standard, I am sure it would cost a hell lot more!
It's actually 9' by 6'(plus minus), quite smallish indeed. It's the only dedicated room I can find at home. The bass is adequate at the moment and I am not really a bass freak.
I only got the Cheetah and R8 Sig not more than a month ago after spending 3 years with the normal R8 and Panther. They are still running in and I bet it would be a long way to go consider the little time I spend spinning everynite.
Many of my established friends do not believe in subs. Even I think subs slow down the setup, and the integration is very hard to work on. But after listening to the Marten Design Coltrane Supreme, I was opened to possibilities never thought possible before.
Now, I am really dieing to listen to a pair of Magico!