
Home Theater system that sounds great with music.  New pictures added soon!

Room Details

Dimensions: 18’ × 11’  Medium
Ceiling: 8’

Components Toggle details

    • McIntosh MC601
    • McIntosh MC-207
    McIntosh MC-207
    • McIntosh McIntosh C-2200
    Tube pramp
    • McIntosh MCD-500
    cd/sacd player
    • McIntosh McIntosh MX122
    Multichannel home theater preamp processor
    • OPPO 105
    BluRay disk player
    • Nordost Frey
    Balanced 1 meter innerconnect
    • Nordost Heimdall
    4 meter shotgun single for center channel
    • Focal Kanta No. 2
    • Martin Logan Stage
    High Performance Center Channel Speaker.
    • Martin Logan Depth i
    center channel sub
    • Cary Audio DMS-550
    • Nordost Oden Power Cable
    • REL Acoustics S/812 Pair
    • Nordost Tyr 2 Speaker Cable 4M
    • McIntosh MC601
    • Nordost Valhalla
    • Nordost Tyr 2 1M interconnect
    X 3

Comments 16

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Thanks Glenfihi and Sgr, it seems to have taken forever to get it where I wanted it. Now I can relax and just enjoy the music. HT isn't too bad either!


That Apex interconncet was and eye opener on music. It was a must have after I borrowed it from the Cable Co. I have been fooling around with some different power cables. It makes no sense but they can make such a huge difference. I do love the McIntosh Cd player. It just blew my Cary away. And I thought alot of the Cary. With all the Mac gear together they have really come together as a group. You always here "system syngery" now I can here what they mean. Eventually I will be looking for new speaker cables. May be hard, I have fairly long runs and it makes it hard to borrow them. But Damn I love the McIntosh gear. Worth every penny!


Just got a few pictures up. There not the best. I will try to get a few better ones soon.


System edited: Finally added the Mac cd player so we are good. Just messing with power cords now.


System edited: Just added the Martin Logan Spire's and Stage center channel.


I will get pictures up soon, sorry have been lazy lately. Have the new Martin Logan Spire's in and I love them. Really thinking about add the PS Audio Power Plant Premier.


Sorry have not been on in a while. I am running a Synergistic Reasearch Acoustic Refrence balanced between the Cary and the Mac preamp. Nordost Frey from pre to power amp. Going to switch it. Just bought new speakers. Martin Logan Spire's. Never liked the Logans before untill I heard these. Had to have them.

I actually switched away from the Audioquest to the Nordost with the Arcam. The Nordost was smoother with the Arcam Gear with more detail. Just a personal choice really. I will tell you that with the Mac gear. ABing between the two Red Dawn and the Acoustic Refrence the Nordost hangs in there very well. Esp with the price difference. 300 to 2600 dollars. was suprising. I really want a Tyr but can't swing it. I am going to sell a pair of 4 meter shotgun Red Dawn speaker cables if you are looking. Was using them to drive the lower cabinets of the Hyperions. The Logans don't recommend biamping because they have a built in amp for the woofers.



With my Mac gear they sound great. Had them with Arcam gear and had to switch to Audioquest. I have Synergistic Research Acoustic Reference between my Cary cd player and my Mac C-2200 preamp. Not sure if I like it or not. One thing that was amazing is that I put up my 300. dollar nordorst red dawn up against my 2600 dollar acoustic refrence and the red dawn was very good didnt' beat it but it hung in there. I was very suprised. I would like to get a Nordost Tyr from cd to preamp and get another Frey so I have the same cables running my front pair of speakers.(i am biamping the fronts one frey one heimdall). The heimdall is a great cable too. smooth and detailed. I think they give you alot for your money. that being said they are not cheap but you get more that you pay for.
