
Don't take things too seriously. Enjoy the ride.

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    • Grado 8MX with MZ needle
    frankenstein 8MZ cartridge. The 8MX was my primary cartridge in the 80s. It had travelled in stored gear for 35 years until July '24.
    • Sanyo TP600 SA
    Semi-automatic turntable from 1976. A new belt is on the way. The Shure cartridge is set aside for that Grado.
    • Pro-Ject Phono Box DS2 USB
    phono preamp with two available phono inputs, each capable of MC and MM. Front panel load adjustability, with separate memory. Back panel rca line inputs. Optical output, possibly to a dac. USB allowing digitization of LPs or the line in (Imagine cassettes) to computer storage.
    • Pro-Ject DS3 CD box
    using as player with analog outs
    • Bluesound Node
    gen 3, using wifi and analog outs
    • Morrow and Decware Interconnects
    mid range stuff not in use elsewhere in house
    • Aric Audio Unlimited II
    preamp with 4 single ended inputs, and two outputs. It has a separate variable gain and a handy remote. Lots of preamp tubes have been rolled. I like the Cryotones and the Sylvanias as best of the lot.
    • Belles 150A Reference Version 2
    power amp with both rca and xlr inputs. In system at the moment. Engaging power and grace. I like it more than the Adcom/Forte/McCormack solid state amps that have been experienced.
    • Precision Fidelity M8 hybrid
    power amp with tube front and mosfet back ends. 125wpc into 8 ohms. Turntable stand for the Sanyo for the moment. The reigning champ in this setup, offstage for installation of new PSVane 12AU7-s Arts. The RCA blackplates are resting. We shall see!
    • Radio Shack speaker wire
    sold on 50 foot reels from the day
    • Dynaudio DM 2/6
    bookshelf speakers, matching stands in storage

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Thanks! It didn't start out that way, but these things sometimes take on a life of their own.
