
My journey to audio nirvana in a small apartment. I appreciate comments. Thanks for looking


updated 02/08/09

several new gears have arrived.

Slimdevices Transporter didn't make the cut is its out. Bel Canto DAC3 is in, so are Aesthetix Calypso, Kimber 8TC speaker cables, Nordost blue heaven XLR balanced, and Kimber Hero XLR.

My system sounds different but I'm liking the sound.

I'll be busy listening and comparing the next few months and deciding which to sell.

Updated 12/26/08

New picture; added slim devices transporter. So far not very satisfied. The web interface is not as intuitive as iTunes (hard to see all music catalog). The sound itself is not as good as my ikemi. Not sure if i want to keep or return yet.

Updated 11/10/08

Some changes have been made. For music, I added a subwoofer (ACI Force XL). I'm using a high pass filter between pre and amp. The biggest advantages are that the bloated sound in the upper bass and is gone and it sounds less polite. This comes with the expense of thinner and slighly more analytical sound. So far I like the change but can't really say for sure if it is an upgrade in sound or just horizontal change.

I also added 4.1 sound for video. The system is so so for home theater purposes but my main priority is music, so for now it will do.

updated 12/01/06

**deleted since system strength/weaknesses doesn't apply anymore

Components Toggle details

    • Linn Ikemi
    smooth, very good frequency extension, but sound a bit lean or dry
    • Bel Canto Design DAC-3
    early impression sounds very good
    • Rega Planar 3
    The original version with stock arm
    • Grado Sonata
    This is the 5 mV version (MM). Very liquid midrange but frequency extension could be better.
    • Sony DVP-S9000es
    Mostly used for DVD and SACD.
    • Aesthetix Calypso
    Sound better than my VTL but haven't thoroughly compared yet.
    • VTL TL-2.5
    My first tube component. Slighly on the brighter side of tubes, but very musical and dynamic. Mates very well with my plinius
    • Plinius SA-100 mkIII
    My favorite component. Compliments the slightly lean presentation of ikemi and bright sound of VTL.
    • JM lab Micro Utopia Be
    Surprisingly good bass for the size. Really grain free and depth is just amazing. Imaging is OK (probably because of my room)
    • ACI Force XL
    Great sub for the price. specifically made for music (sealed enclosure, class AB, versatile filter adjustments)
    • Shunyata Hydra 8
    Latest addition. To be honest, not as good as I thought but havent made a decision yet
    • Pionner PDP-5070HD
    Upgraded from my panasonic plasma. much more user friendly (with HD tuner) and nicer looking as well
    • Atlantis Reference A/V
    great look and my system sounds better (especially my rega).
    • Sony PS3
    for games, Blu-ray, and streaming media
    • JM Labs Chorus 705
    Used as surround speakers
    • Nordost Blue Heaven XLR
    • Kimber Hero XLR
    on loan to try
    • Monster Cable M1000
    0.5 meter - From Ikemi to VTL and Sony SCD9000ES to VTL
    • PS Audio Xstream Plus
    4 M - The sound is on the warm side
    • Linn interconnect from Ikemi
    1 m, used from VTL to Plinius
    • Kimber Kable 8TC
    speaker wire 8 feet
    • Audioquest Entry level model
    Can't tell the difference between this one and stock version.
    • PS audio Statement Power Cord
    Only bought this due to the deep discount. I don't think it is a good fit for my system.
    • PS audio Plus Power cord
    Hydra to Plinius
    • ASC half tube traps
    3 half traps - I think it made the biggest difference in the sound
    • Auralex Elite B22 Flat Panel
    first reflection absorption (total of 4)
    • Audiosource Amp
    Amp for surround speakers

Comments 47

@Mceljo - interesting observation. Somehow I always thought Krell is more digital like than Aesthetix, although I never heard krell enough to make a clear conclusion. will try it on my system.


@ Vernneal - Thanks for the advice. I'll be sure to try it. There is a lot of brand that claim to decouple vibration (each with its own material type) so need to read quite a bit on those. Vibracones seems like a good place to start though (and its not expensive)


I'm far from a true audiphile, but when the Diablo's were hooked to Krell amplifiers (300 or 400 watts each) they were simply amazing to me. When the store sold the Krell amps and replaced them with with the Asthetix, I've been disappointed with the sound ever time I've been in since. Don't get me wrong, it all still sounds great, just not what it was. I've heard both amps hooked to Focal speakers ranging from 706v, Diablo & Grande EM and the Asthetics just made everything a bit more harsh to my ears...sort of the analog vs. digital difference.

I've talked to several other customers that have the mini monitors and love them.


Especially in an room with tile or wood floor and less furnishings you get more reflection from sound waves, vibrations, etc.. I would never stack source componets(turntable, tuner,cd, dvd )if I did not have to. Your componets are metal case. Think of a cymbal as a exagerated example. Now lay the symbal on asorbathan pucks-no vibration when struck. Lay it on tip toes or wood blocks-muffled. My rule of thumb is a source componet should have a softer rubber or sorbathan puck a speaker usually you want to couple/drain the vibration to the ground source. Something like VIBRACONES under your componets will open the sound up with more detail


@Vernneal - thanks for the advice. The good thing is that I have moved to a new place, and speakers are considerably more spread out. The bad thing though is that I have limited furniture and no carpeting hence the room is very lively.

Whats the benefit of having isolation under the components?



@Mceljo - thanks for the info. I have not listened the diablo enough to make a good judgment since I heard it with electronics that I'm not familiar with. The looks is certainly better than micro.

Good input on the krell. I'll listen to it when I get a chance


Nicely set up. If you sould spread the speakers out a foot I think they would sound better. This is not always possible though,maybe some isolation under your componets.


If your speakers sound anything like the newer Utopia Diablo's they should sound wonderful. In my opinion, the Diablo's sound significantly better when hooked to a Krell amplifier than they do to the Asthetix. I'm not sure the specific models I've heard, but if you ever consider changing out your amplifier, make sure to consider a Krell product.

I'd love you have your speakers!


I have not heard it with cary nor YBA. I heard YBA matches well with Micro bes, but have not personally heard them.

Overall, Micros work very well with tubes, either all tubes of tube pre-amp with solid state amps (just like mine).


Hi, How do you like the micro bes with tubes?
Is it good with cary 300sei? have u heard the combo?


I'm very happy with the Pass amp (XA30.5). It has very realistic instrument timbres, an extremely low noise floor, and excellent PRaT. Not a lot of power, but enough for my needs.


Thanks Bryoncunningham. I am currently using a mac mini feeding lossless files to my bel canto. For CDs, I use my linn unidisk.

how do you like the Pass amp? I'm thinking of trying new power amp.


Great system! I too am using Focal monitors with a class A amp (from Pass). Like you, I have major space limitations, so I understand your frustration with it.

What are you using as a transport for your Bel Canto dac?


Which tubes?


Hey Sam, I have been using the sorbogel all the time. I'll try listening without it, but currently enjoying the system as is.

I've ordered a set of tubes through Vintage audio... can't wait to try it.... i'll let you know how it goes. thanks


Well I've tweaked myself right out of the Calypso and into a CJ Act 2!!! I'm trying different isolation under it and the CDP and amps. Once again I'm surprised at the improvement/change in clarity with better isolation, yesterday I changed the position of isolation pucks from beneath the shelves the amps were sitting on to under the amp's feet on the shelf. It's almost "to clear" now I'll start listening in 3hrs after my wife goes to work(it's 5:30 here on the left coast) I had the volume up much louder than I'm used to yesterday checking the clarity so today I get to start at zero. Have you reinserted the sorbogel yet? Have you tried any different tubes yet?


Hey Sam, I didn't compare with another XLR cable so can't comment there. What I do know is that it is definitely better than my monster.

What tweaks are you optimizing these days?


How do you like the Anti Cables?


I finally get to do some fair comparison between VTL 2.5 and Aesthetix Calypso. The end result was that I will keep the Calypso although it was not a clear winner. In fact, I like some of VTL virtues and on some recordings, VTL does sound better.
here is what I like about VTL
- tube magic: I really like the VTL house sound. Extended but with clear tube magic. When I heard Norah Jones, her voice just sounded magical in the midrange area. very hypnotic indeed
- full bass: VTL has a more fuller bass compared to calypso. whether I like it or not it depends on the recording. On some records where the bass is not very apparent, the fuller sound gives a better bass perception
- more forward sound: Calypso sound more laid back and on some recording I like the "you are there" forward type of sound

what i like about calypso:
- extension: extension bass to treble is just better. hearing Eric Reed just sound so natural without any particular focus in sound
- volume control: I think at this area, Calypso wins big. Listening at higher than normal volume just sounded better with the calypso
- wider soundstage and deeper depth

why I choose calypso:
- tube roll: whereas the VTL is equipped with the Mullards tubes (recommended by UpscaleAudio) the calypso is using OEM). I have high expectation that the aesthetix sound will go leaps and bounds after tube roll
- remote control: OK I am lazy but I am spoiled with the on/off and source change in the aesthetix remote (VTL doesn't have them)

cant wait to do some tube roll....


hey Chad - thanks for checking. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to to really compare between VTL and Calypso yet. Just got back from a 3 week vacation and currently still trying to adjust to the time difference.

I'm looking to do some comparison measurement this weekend. will keep you updated on the findings.

dizzyizzid are your evaluations going? Intersted in your thoughts on the calypso.


Sounds like you are having a good time with all the gear changes. The DAC3 is one that is on my radar along with the PS Audio DAC....let us know how everything goes!


System edited: several new gears have arrived. Slimdevices Transporter didn't make the cut is its out. Bel Canto DAC3 is in, so are Aesthetix Calypso, Kimber 8TC speaker cables, Nordost blue heaven XLR balanced, and Kimber Hero XLR. My system sounds different but I'm liking the sound. I'll be busy listening and comparing the next few months and deciding which to sell.


Thanks for the comments Chad. I haven't really had a chance to compare thoroughly with my VTL since I've changed quite a bit of gear recently but it sounds really promising and changing input via remote is definitely an improvement compared to my (and 5.5) VTL. A showdown between VTL and Calypso will be done soon and one has to go... I'll keep you updated.

In regards to transporter, I ended up returning it. After a thorough test, it wins in some areas compared to ikemi (dynamic, fuller sound) while ikemi won in others (better instruments separation, imaging, clarity, presentation not as aggressive). in the end, I always preferred listening via my ikemi.

Also, I don't really like the slimdevices interface. somewhat clunky compared to itunes.

I'm now testing Bel Canto DAC3 with airport Express. So far it sounds excellent even with the express but I'm testing thoroughly in the near future. If you like the PS3 as Audio server, you will like itunes with Airport express even better.


great system! I'm a monitor fan and would someday like to try out the Utopia monitors.

Interesting thoughts on the Transporter...I was thinking about it for my main system...I am uncertain if I should go for it or use a DAC with the squeezebox instead...wondering if it would compete with my MF A5 CD player...I've had great success in a second system using a PS3 as Audio Server and love the convenience...we'll see. Yours was the first good critisism I've read comparing it to your Linn unit.

Thanks...enjoy your new Calypso...I really like mine...any thoughts on it vs your VTL? I almost picked up the VTL 5.5 instead but wanted to get the Rhea so it became more obvious to get the rolling will change your life, but definitely change your wires ASAP.



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