
An almost 20 year old journey. Recent additions are Sonas Faber Lumina 3’s. They share duties with a pair of Focals. New Rogue Audio Syereo 100 tube amp to replace my MF 308cr. New Denon SACD and Cary Audio replaced the Music Hall. New Bluesound Node 2i, Mytek Liberty 2 MQA DAC. Speaker cables and interconnects same as the old system. Sound treatments by GIK Acoustics.

Room Details

Dimensions: 20’ × 25’  Large
Ceiling: 9’

Components Toggle details

    • Mytek Liberty II MQA DAC
    Newish Liberty MQA DAC that plays with a Bluesound Node 2i.

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Thanks you, yes, you caught the instructions! My wife always forgets in what order to turn the system on and off, so it’s there to remind her. So far, I’m preferring the SF’s to the Focals. I believe it’s a two fold reason, the SF’s are playing with a 4 ohm load and have soft dome tweeterrs and are bi-wired. The Focal Arias have a metal tweeter, are running 8ohms and are not bi wireable. Now this doesn’t mean they sound bad, quite the opposite really. But there is just something about soft dome tweeters that appeal to me. I’ve had some killer metal tweeters in my old sound off car, MB Quarts, and they were fantastic.
