
Well this is what I have going on so fare. The whole upgrade process began with a friend of mine who also has his system posted (GStringer). Thanks to him I now have the startings of a pretty good system (well I hope I do anyway) and an empty bank account!!!

Project started from scratch with an MMF5 turntable. Then I came across a deal on a VTL ST 85 at a local shop here in Atlanta. Next a business trip to Seattle found me with an opportunity to pick up a Rega Planet and a set of Midnight speaker cables (couldn't pass that up). Final thing on my list (ya right like there is ever a final thing) - preamp. After many many hours of research I finally decided on a PremaLuna Three courtesy of upscale audio. I added an isolated remote volume control for convenience (laziness). Done right .. don't think so.

Now that I had all the components to my system I needed a new stand (the old one was no way near good enough for all this stuff).

The stand was custom built by a company here in Atlanta. I worked with the guys out at ND Contracting to design and build the stand. 2X4 steel backbone, 1X2 steel racks with 2" chopping block shelves and isolation spikes. The design was based off the Furniture Works rack.

So thatÂ’s it so fare. Looking for suggestion on what to do now (beside sit in front of it for hours and hours on end listening to music)

Components Toggle details

    • Rega Planet
    Basic CD Player
    • Music Hall MMF5
    • PrimaLuna Three
    with phono stage
    • VTL ST-85
    • Paradigm 11se mkII
    Courtesy of GStringer
    • Custom Rack
    Designed and built with the help of a local shop here in Atlanta.
    • IR Remote Isolated Volume Control
    Custom built IR external volume control with belt drive.

Comments 7

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Interesting your idea of bringing your friends speakers for comparison, that could be an "ear opener" experience.....

As you describe the enhanced bass response your system has and looking again at the pics, just for kicks would like to suggest that you try moving the speakers 2 feet away from the rear wall and compare bass response.

Additional suggestion could be to place a blanket on the rear wall behind the stand for getting a small glimpse of gains you can get.



Have you made any changes to your system?
I'm particularly wondering if you have considered acoustic treatments for your room.

The stand really "stands out" interesting design.

