You got it, Jaytor. That's a USB camera that belongs to the BACCH-SP stereo purifier. It tracks the head of the listener so that he/she gets the full benefit of the BACCH crosstalk cancellation filter, even if the person doesn't sit perfectly still.
If there's a clue, it's the JansZen speakers that you correctly identified. Edgar Choueiri, the BACCH-SPs designer, brings JansZen Valentinas to shows because their vertical dispersion is limited and he doesn't have to worry as much about sidewall reflections as he would with speakers having a more typical radiation pattern.
I wonder if the XA-60.8s are Pass's most popular current monoblocks. I love 'em, but they won't drive everything, even in a modest sized room like mine. The Tidal amplifiers are intimidated by nothing yet are as capable of as much nuance, refinement, and detail as many low-power tube amplifiers. Perhaps this is facile, but with the Ferios amplifiers, I feel that if I can't get a loudspeaker sounding good with them, there's either something wrong with the speaker or I made a bad judgement about the suitability of the speaker for my room. But it sure ain't the amp!