Primary listening room/home office unfortunately it’s 11x11.5x8, so the dreaded box. The saving grace would the thick pile carpet in there so room resonance is damped.
I love the mid range warmth with this system. It’s super transparent, and has great imaging and soundstage.
The GIK panels have improved clarity and soundstage width greatly - really would recommend some treatment.
Currently playing around with my DIY Firstwatt F6 which is just lovely - I’m building a second to use it in mono blocks to get 100w / Channel into my 4Ohm speakers.
Sounds good but I’m so busy at the moment I’m not doing as much listening as I’d like.
Why "unfortunately"? In fact I like how you made optimal use of the space. Awesome! Do you have the music ON, while you work, or is this for after hours? Enjoy your music!