
This is a high-resolution system with emphasis on analog playback and high-quality digital upsampled playback. It is possible to approach superb analog qualities with a DSD system; there is a 2:1 price to performance ratio needed, assuming that the analog equipment is near the top of the ladder.

Room acoustically treated with EchoBusters.

Listener position determined by near-field optimal acoustics. The goal for holographic sound presentation has been achieved.

I have recently upgraded my phono stage, tonearms and cartridges, preamp, and primary speakers. Now I have the option of surround sound for film, concert video, and sports while maintaining outstanding 2-channel playback at any time. The Lexicon works through the Pass XP-20 unity gain pass through input. Made the wise decision to mount plasma on the wall which greatly increased imaging space.

Components Toggle details

    • Esoteric P-03
    CD/SACD Transport
    • Esoteric D-03
    DAC with Dual XLR/1394/optical/coaxial inputs upsampling to DSD
    • Esoteric Os-Rb
    Rubidinium external clock. Error 0.5 pt/billion. Improves digital peripherals that sync'd to it.
    • Esoteric UX-1Pi
    Universal player (CD/SACD/DVD-A/DVD). Can upconvert to 1080p
    • VPI Industries TNT-HRX
    Outboard dual motor-flywheel assembly; integrated center weight/outer ring.
    • VPI Industries JMW 12.7
    Upgrade of standard 12 inch arm
    • VPI Industries Aries
    Original version; added optional flywheel; soon to receive HRX upgrade package
    • VPI Industries JMW 10.5il
    10.5 version
    • Clearaudio Goldfinger v.2
    24K Gold Moving Coil
    • Lyra Helikon
    Mono version dedicated to extensive mono LP library
    • Clearaudio Stradivarius
    wood-body moving coil
    • Sony XBR950
    Plasma screen 50" Outboard tuner;switchbox
    • Sony VHS 1000
    VHS Recorder/HIFI VHS. Used as dedicated PCM recorder
    • EAD Theater Master 5000
    Combination Laserdisc/CD transport
    • Pass Labs XP-20
    Replacement of XO.2
    • Pass Labs XP-15
    One box Phono preamp replaces one X-ONO
    • Pass Labs X-ONO
    Two of these units; one dedicated to each turntable
    • Pass Labs X-350.5
    "Ampzilla" powers main speakers
    • Pass Labs X-3
    3-channel 150 watts/channel
    • Lexicon MC-12b
    HD Eq version with HDMI inputs and outputs
    • Martin Logan CLX
    Full range ESL
    • Martin Logan Stage
    ESL/hybrid center channel
    • Martin Logan Script-i
    wall-mounted ESL/hybrid rear channels
    • Martin Logan Martin Logan Descent i
    Updated version of original descent
    • Martin Logan Descent
    Two of these (one for each channel). Bass is nondirectional but the impact on LFE is extraordinary
    • nordost Odin
    combination of XLR/RCA for all critical components
    • nordost valhalla
    • nordost valhalla
    all critical components except speakers
    • Purist Audio Proteus
    Power cords for Speakers/Subwoofers
    • XLO Limited
    interconnects for Video components,Tape Decks
    • Nordost Valhalla Digital
    XLR and RCA for Digital inputs
    • nordost Thor
    Three of these units for dedicated components, amplifier
    • Logitech Squeezebox Duet
    Wireless and Ethernet enabled digital receiver and music source
    • Revox A-77 mkIV
    Dolby version
    • Nakamichi CR-7a
    Remote control
    • Nakamichi CassetteDeck 1
    Dubbing deck
    • Sound Anchors Amp Stand
    For Pass X350.5
    • VPI Turntable Stands (2)
    For TNT HR-X and Aries turntables with VPI top shelves
    • Salamander Designs Archetype 5.0 and TV35
    2 Archetype 5.0 stands TV 35 with 28" rods Casters
    • Black Diamond Racing Shelf (2)
    One for TNT-HRX; one for Verdi transport

Comments 31

Showing all comments by joey_v.

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Nice addition Babydoc! That's a killer source unit you got there...

Any itch to upgrade the Summits? :)


Still waiting for pics, Doc.


Pics are justified of the Descenti!


Geez man... 2 Descents? Isnt it enough to have 4x10" woofers from the Summits... you need - what is it - 4+3+3 = TEN 10" woofers??

Hahaha.... love it man... love it!

That's what I would do if I had the moolah... maybe during residency, I'll save my meager pay and eat free food at the cafeteria so I could upgrade the rest of my gear!

Your friend,



I noticed your new upgrades to an already stellar system... nice nice nice!! Love the Stage and I'm impressed by your simplification of the entire 2 channel vs HT conundrum when it comes to the pre.




I went ahead and upgraded to the Rotel 1090 and I feel that it was a solid upgrade from top to bottom for my Summits. Perfectly priced and not that much different from the Classe CA400 that I auditioned sidebyside to it. The 1090 doesnt share anything with its lesser siblings, some might not even consider the 1090 part of the Rotel family if it werent for its external fascia.

Thanks for the recommendations!

I hope your Summits are giving you the aural pleasure mine are giving me... oh and I posted your system pic at the forum club!




I was wondering....

I am using a lower end Rotel amp but am vigorously looking to buy a better amp once my USMLE 1 is over (post-June 16)... now, will an upgrade in amplification imprve the Summit sound as I have experienced in the past with conventional speakers (i.e. Sonus Faber Concerto and such)?

The reason I ask is that although my RB1070/Summit system are far superior than anything I had before, I feel that I could improve on soundstage depth and the stage-forward presentation of the singer. I feel that there is a little too much fuzz around the Vocalist's voice.... and there is room improvement for the vocal "FOCUS".

Do you think an amp upgrade will improve these concerns? I remember listening to a BW703 with the RB1070 and A/Bed it against a regular Harman Kardon receiver (AVR330).... there was fuzz around the vocalist's vocal FOCUS with the HK, but this was remarkably reduced with the 1070, the vocal focus was sharper and better!

I'm hoping for a similar revelation with an upgrade amp.... I played around with the room interactions and toe-in, and I think it's as good as it's going to get with regards to positioning. I'm just looking for that next step of improvement.

So, to reiterate, will a superior amp improve soundstage depth and vocal "FOCUS"? I need that etched vocal focus where the vocal reproduction is just about the size of the singer's mouth.

Is this unrealistic? I've heard it done on the JMLabs 918Be paired with a Krell 400xi... though the ML killed it in every other aspect aside from vocal focus.

Thanks... looking forward to your reply!



Love the system!! Looks real cool especially with the windows straight in the background of the Summits. Any new opinions on the Summits, now that you've had them for quite some time..?

