
My house has been finished and my new listening room is complete!!! Dedicated AC line, 11.5ft by 15ft extra bedroom, oyaide outlet, ten foot cathedral cielings. Sounds wonderful!!!

Components Toggle details

    • Von Schweikert Audio VR-4 JR
    Dark cherry veneer
    • Emotiva RPA-1
    200 wpc solid state amp.
    • Pioneer DV-79Avi
    Serving duty as cd transport and sacd player.
    • Benchmark DAC1
    reference da conversion
    • Bellari VP129
    tube phono preamp with gain control
    • Denon DP-300f
    my first turntable
    • Behringer Ultracurve DEQ 2496
    Amazing what it can do for a room
    • Noistrapper Revelation II 8 outlet power strip
    star grounded, simple setup. sounds black. liking it, nice to reallocated expensive conditioner money elsewhere in system where it can be more readily improved
    • Cablepro insight 2.5m biwire
    outstanding value
    • White Zombie Audio ZeroPointZero
    1m xlr
    • White Zombie Audio El Chupacabra
    1m unshielded rca silver cable. no grunge or brightness at all. just music and resolution
    • Signal Cable Magic Power AC
    bang for buck. plugged into cd-e5
    • Element Cable AC cords
    excellent bang for the buck
    • Finite Element Ceraballs
    Confoundingly did nothing under the cd player, but i was quite pleased with the focus found when they went under the preamp. a bit pricey, but they did work. are much smaller in real life than in pics.
    • mapleshade heavyfeet
    • timbernation tiger maple cd player stand
    • DIY Cable lifters home depot plumbing parts
    they resemble either a 9mm bullet or a short milk churn. i did notice a small increase in apparent depth to the soundstage and i like how they look
    • cardas myrtle wood blocks small size
    nice natural sound

Comments 40

Ran across your system this morning and noticed the VR4jrs which is the same speaker I am using along with some timbernation platforms. I saw on your thread that you were using the spikes but I didn't see whether the speakers were loaded with lead shot. I originally had 25 lbs. of shot in each speaker but I just added 25 more and put them on the platforms. This really tightened the bass in my setup but I can only pull the speakers about 18" from the back wall. Fortunately I have no side wall issues.
Nice system!


Would you mind comparing the Odyssey amp to your Emotiva RPA1 (assuming you still have it)?


a couple of reviews last summer plus a great factory direct special from emotiva. The amp sounded fantastic and here it remains. I sold the pre that was a matching set only a few months after. The DAC1 as preamp is far more transparent


Your Emotiva amp, how do you like it. And what bought you to the brand?


System edited: The addition of the equalizer is something i thought i would never stoop to, thinking purity of signal to be paramount. By here we are, room nodes attenuated, and the sound has never been this transparent or three dimensional. Worth the risk, time, and effort and then some.


System edited: new room, new equipment.


System edited: System update- new player, interconnects. new listening room to be finished in 6 weeks.


System edited: Replaced Marantz SA8260 and Benchmark DAC1 with Shanling CDT100A. And Petey is getting some exposure.



You presume to know much about a room you have never been let alone listen in. Nice system btw.


System edited: I have come out the other side of an experiment with a Behringer DEQ2496 and the room correction it offers. While bass nodes were tamed and suckouts filled in, it sounded compressed, unnatural, and non-musical. the minute i unplugged it from the system, the magic returned. Unequalized or not, it was a dead-end. Great fun to play with though and easy to flip here.


room is 11X13. speakers sit about 12 inches from sidewall, 30 inches from back wall. wish i had a bit more room to play with.


PS. Nice too hear your comment on the power cord. I have been debating as too whether an ac cord could really make a significant difference.


Loving the look and choice of gear. How big is the room? What distance from the back wall and side too side are your JR4's. Enjoy, enjoy.



System edited: System updated. New anticables are here to stay. Tiger maple platform from timbernation very easy on the eyes. sounds great too.


System edited: system updated. new cd player and power conditioner.


System edited: Many changes. Done for now. Sounds quite good to these ears.


System edited: Many changes. Sold the Rega Planet, Musical Fidelity pre. Changes to front end and pre represent significant improvements in fidelity and musicality. Very very satisfied, for the moment.


I have noticed you are changing out a bunch of your equipment. I will be looking forward to some new pics and how the monos compare to your old amp. Wade


actually they've been spiked since this pic was taken. previous owner could not find them, so i purchased a set from Adona corp on a'gon. excellent! love them. one of the few companies that carries the correct thread spikes for these speakers. as to the odyssey, just a wonderful amp. open, detailed, warm, musical- all the buzzwords. very good control of the bass. plenty of power. had some trouble when it was plugged into the ps audio p300, but this conditioner was never meant to deliver the current draw needed for all my components. once it was plugged into the wall, it sang again. definite recommendation.


I see the vr4jr's are not spiked. Do you have them filled with shot? How do you like your Odyssey with your new speakers? I am looking for a new amp for my vr4jr's and have heard good things about the Odyssey.


looks very nice wish i had an extra beed room and your gear


i sent them back to Ty after about 3 weeks of run-in and use. The midrange simply did not emerge in a way i had hoped, and the bass response was not a move in the right direction. they were wonderful to look at and i really wanted to like them, but objective assessments led me to say goodbye to them. I am totally immersed in the vr-jr's now. unbelievable bass, timing, speed, clarity, transparency, soundstaging. a chameleon speaker that hides nothing, becomes its source material so easily that it has laid bare for me the differing qualities of my music. this is a two-edged sword. the sonic truth of it is inspiring though.


Hello,What became of the Tylers?


System edited: My room is now blue. vr4-jr's now inhabit it. A musical fidelity a3cr pre has booted the adcom. hmm....


Nice, clean looking system you have there. Bet it sounds pretty good too. You just need to get some toobs and and a rekkid spinner, then you'll be all set.



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