
Updated pics of main two-channel system. A long term effort. A long term joy.

Very nice, transparent sound.

Please recommend digital and analog interconnects for razor-sharp Esoteric gear.

Happy listening.

Components Toggle details

    • Simaudio Evolution Supernova
    CD Player with spdif digital input
    • Esoteric P-03
    CD and SACD transport
    • Esoteric D-03
    24/192 DAC
    • Technics SL-1200 mkII
    Direct drive classic turntable
    • Simaudio Evolution P-8
    Dual chassis preamplifier / controller
    • Simaudio Evolution W-8
    Dual mono power amplifier 250wpc @8ohms
    • Thiel Audio CS-3.6
    Vintage three-way floorstanders with passive radiator.
    • Nordost Tyr
    XLR balanced interconnects

Comments 4

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Thank you Fossda,

Your system looks fantastic. I’ve heard wonderful things about Edge gear, but since I live in Mexico City, most high end brands are usually unavailable for audition down here. In your experience, how do Edge amps and preamps compare to the Sim Evo gear?

As for those B&W speakers, my Brother also has 800Ds, driven by a Burmester 911mk3 amp: pretty sweet, indeed! B&Ws are available in Mexico, so they may represent a logical upgrade path, once I am ready to let go of my vintage Thiels.

Thanks for your comments on cables. I am a big Nordost fan. When I purchased the Tyrs, my Dealer in San Francisco advised me against getting Valhallas, as they may be too bright a match for the Thiels: these are truly unforgiving speakers and mask absolutely nothing.

However, as the Esoteric transport and DAC are recent additions to my rig, I find myself hunting for digital and analog interconnects that will complement and enhance the performance of the P-03 and D-03, which so far have proven to be razor-sharp. There is actually a local Dealer of Crystal Cables, so I will give them a try.

Last, but not least, I see that you also have your speakers placed right in front of your window. I have no other option myself, but I understand this may be having a big effect on system brightness. Are you dealing with this issue in some particular way?

