
As described, it is simple but sounds good for the small to medium sized room. Looking for suggestions.

Components Toggle details

    • Arcam CD-72t
    • Nordust super flat lines biwired
    • NBS Stingher III
    • Creek 5350se
    • Epos M-12

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Boring! Boring! Boring! Come on we want to see thirty year old turntables that have been rebuilt, one hundred pound amps, speakers that stand ten feet high in acoustic tuned rooms, cables the size of garden water hoses. Get with the program the only thing your system could be good for is to listen to music. Here are some suggestions. Raise your cables off the floor. You can use drinking glasses to try it out. Vibration control for your CD player, I use Aurios isolation bearings under my CD player with good results. Lastly clean power. I have a PS Audio’s P300 power plant. It made a sizable impact on my system. Lastly just enjoy the music you play on your system.
