
As described, it is simple but sounds good for the small to medium sized room. Looking for suggestions.

Components Toggle details

    • Arcam CD-72t
    • Nordust super flat lines biwired
    • NBS Stingher III
    • Creek 5350se
    • Epos M-12

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Hysterical...I spit milk out of my nose in salute to Usasoccer for his post.
Gmerritt...whaddaya listen to? That might spur suggestions. I admire the simple set-up (having not spent a ton on my own system) and the legendary bang-for-the-buck brands you're using. I wonder whether you couldn't use suggestions for a budget full-range speaker, depending on your music listening. I'm assuming from their size that you're not getting a ton of bass out of the Epos, but instead went with them because they offer much more in other areas.
