
We moved into this home in April 2020 and this is the latest iteration of our den/listening room. The space is starting to feel cozy and we're very please with the sound. I also finally got all the art on the walls.

New adds this year:
DeVore Gibbon Super 8s, Heed X-2, vintage Meridian 206ΔΣ, lava lamp, and custom rack (solid mahogany).  

Featured on the DeVORE FIDELITY YouTube channel: 

2020-21 system: 

Room Details

Dimensions: 13’ × 14’  Medium
Ceiling: 10’

Components Toggle details

    • DeVore Fidelity Gibbon Super 8
    • Heed Audio Obelisk SI Mark III
    Shoebox size integrated amplifier (running dual mono power with the X-2 power supply) w/ phono board installed.
    • Heed Audio X-2
    Outboard power supply paired with Obelisk SI Mark III
    • Clearaudio Concept
    w/ Verify Tonearm and Russ Andrews PowerPak II PSU
    • Soundsmith Otello Cartridge
    High output moving iron
    • BorderPatrol DAC SE
    R2R, non over-sampling DAC with S/PDIF & USB inputs
    • Meridian 206ΔΣ
    Vintage, dual-chassis CD player/transport
    • Bluesound Node 2i
    Qobuz, Apple Music and local library of FLAC files (rebook & Hi-Res)
    • Sony Playstaion 1 SCPH-1001
    • Signal Cable Co. Various Cables
    - Ultra Speaker Cables
    - MagicPower power cables into the Obelisk SI & X-2
    - Digital Cables
    • AudioQuest Various Cables
    - NRG C7 power cable for the Node 2i
    - NRG-X power cable for the Meridian 206ΔΣ
    - Sidewinder interconnects from Sony Playstation 1 SCPH-1001
    - Power cable for BorderPatrol DAC
    - Diamondback ICs from DAC
    • AudioQuest PowerQuest 2
    Budget friendly power strip and conditioner
    • HiFi Man HE-300
    Open back headphones (not pictured)
    • Various Tweaks from Herbie’s Audio Lab, etc.
    - Herbie’s Tender Feet
    - Herbie’s Baby Booties
    - Cable Elevators
    - Vibrapods 
    - Isonodes 
    - RoomTune

Comments 46

Showing all comments by subterranean6.

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Love your setup, room, style, and that's a cute cat! I need to check out Soundsmith carts at some point. Obviously we have similar tastes in speakers...


Beautiful speakers!
