
I have had the Harbeth SHL5s for over 2 years now. The most natural sounding speakers I have owned. Perfect balance of coherence, micro-macro dynamics and frequency extension.

And they perform exceeding well with all sorts of amplifiers. I have had Primaluna, Naim Nait XS2, Jolida 302CRC. Sticking with the Arcam A28 for now.

The Sonos streamer pulls my CD collection from my NAS and I also listen a lot to internet radio like MOG. Very versatile and easy to use multi-zone solution. I have a second Sonos for my basement setup.

Components Toggle details

    • Sonos Connect
    Digital streamer
    • Peachtree iDAC
    Fantastic budget DAC
    • Arcam FMJ - A28
    Very high quality integrated amplifier 75W x 2. All you need if you have easy load speakers
    • Rega P5
    Modded with groovetracer upgrades and rega TT PSU
    • Dynavector xx2 Mk2
    Low output Cartridge MC
    • Dynavector P75 mk3
    phono stage with good flexibilty
    • Kimber PBJ
    best value interconnect
    • Chord Company Crimson
    Another budget buy
    • Harbeth Super HL5
    The best I have owned. Many have come and gone but this one is definitely a keeper.
    • Audio Quest
    speaker cables

Comments 8

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Thanks Frozentundra. You have a nice setup too. How do you like the Theils?

The Harbeth SHL5 have the perfect balance resolution, dynamics and timbre for me. I love resolution too. The image specificity and depth layering is very important. But I also need the midrange to be spot on and the bass articulate and the whole freq spectrum integrated and cohesive. The SHL5 does just that. And yes late night listening is a peach because they do their thing exceeding well at low volumes. You hear a good serving at low levels.

Prior to listening to them I had auditioned way too many to list (Monitor Audios, Magnepans, Vandys, Golden ear, B&W CM and 8 series, Focal Labs, Vienna Acoustics, Linn etc. ). I have been in the merry-go-round for 9-10 years. I have owned B&W CM1, Quad 22L2, Pi speakers, Klipsch Cornwall.

The Harbeth SHL5 pair isn't leaving my system. Hopefully I will have the bigger brother 40.1 in my basement system someday. Check that system too.


System edited: Update: Upgraded from the DV 20x2L to the XX2 Mk2. Also added the DV p-75 mk3 and moved the PH3D to my basement system. I am loving the DV xx2mk2 and P75 pairing.


Thank you. I love the Sonos/peachtree combo. Also love my basement setup sonos/centrance combo. Initially I did hesitate on sonos for the same reason you mentioned ie., inability to play hi res. I also use my laptop (foobar / jriver) to feed into centrance dac via usb to play hi res in my basement rig. I find it hard to tell the difference b/w 16/44 or hi res on a well mastered recording as I really believe it all depends on the mastering. I did my own experiments by downloading 24/96 and used db power amp to convert to 16/44 on good chandos,DG or decca recordings. And I couldn't tell one from the other.

Also love the sonos for the multi zone capability and ease of playing via android app. Only wish it's meta art as better at cataloging.
