
I can finally post a system pic after completing room renovations and the room isn't overrun yet with records and CDs.  Also I'm in a spot where I don't really want to swap out any of these components (famous last words).

Everything but the ZROCK2 and the cabling was bought used.  I am a musical omnivore (indie rock, classic rock, blues, jazz, afrobeat, a smattering of others) and the goal of the system was to be able to balance musical enjoyment of a couple thousand CD's and several hundred records with maximum fidelity and dynamic impact.

Components Toggle details

    • Coherent Model 10 speakers
    • First Watt SIT-3
    • Pass Labs X2.5 preamp
    • Pass Labs D1 DAC
    • Decware ZROCK2
    • Marantz SA8003 CD player
    • Kuzma Stabi S w/Rega RB600 tonearm
    • Dynavector DV-20X cartridge
    • Dynavector P75 phono stage
    • Duelund DCA16GA speaker wire
    • Zu Mission & Wylde interconnects

Comments 7

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Matt be careful in the Jon Zone lol still waiting to get my 2a3 amp back, repairs are so backed up at Deja Vu. But it's ok the little loaner Sythesis Encore 5881 amp is a nice backup. And I wish I had room for a 2nd system. Cheers!


Now this is a system I've been waiting to see looking very nice Matt. And it looks like the "super Yammy" didn't displace your Pass Dac. I bet it sounds fantastic!
