Room Details

Dimensions: 18’ × 30’  X large
Ceiling: 16’

Components Toggle details

    • Vandersteen Sub 3. 2 units w/m5 crossovers
    • BDI Equipment cabinet
    • Exact Power Systems Ep15A.
    • LUMIN U1 Mini. With sbooster power supply
    • OPPO 105
    • Hegel HD30 dac
    • Audio Research Ref6 preamp
    • Audio Research Ref75se amp
    • AudioQuest Earth balanced pre to amp
    • AudioQuest Water balanced dac to pre
    • AudioQuest Diamond usb Lumin to dac
    • Luxor wireless Ethernet bridge Audioquest Vapor Ethernet cable to Lumin
    • AudioQuest Castle Rock. True biwire speaker cables
    • Townshend Audio Seismic Isolation Podiums for speakers
    • Townshend Audio Isolation bars for subs
    • Townshend Audio Isolation Platform for amp
    • Nobsound Springs under smaller components
    • Silnote Audio Posiedin GS Reference power cables
    • Vandersteen Audio Quatro Wood CT
    Birch/black grills.  These were professionally setup without using my Townsend podiums.  They sound fantastic so I’m going to leave them as is for a couple hundred hours of burn in then I’ll put them on my podiums and evaluate them decoupled

Comments 6

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My unit was Simaudio 650D and the “flats” that I used were the pads on an unused set of Rollerblock Jrs. 
Was not able to try the factory feet because they are so near the corners that they extended outside the platform. 


Nice system. Love my Podiums as well and these were the biggest revelation in all my years of audio. 
Curious what you have between your gear and the Platforms. I was not able to use Rollerblocks, cones, Herbies footers, etc. 
Only thing that worked was flat surfaced for max contact surface which rid the horrible resonances that were ruining the benefits of the Platform. 
