
The system is built around the amazing Avantgarde Duo Omega G2's.  I rely exclusively on digital streaming from TIDAL and Qobuz (though I own thousands of LP's and CD's, I am convenience smitten).  A Roon Nucleus+ fed via hardwired ethernet at gigabyte speed delivers the bits to either the DAC3B or MiniDSP SHD's internal DAC (when using the SHD with DIRAC) Also seeing action are a Bespoke Custom VFet Preamp and  Benchmark LA4.  Amps include the venerable Aleph 60 monos, "new school" HYPEX NC400 monos,  PS Audio Stellar M1200's, or Willsenton R800i.  

The sound is unbelievably dynamic, spacious, and transparent.  DIRAC is addictive and the kind of bargain one rarely encounters in hi-fi.  

Always a work in progress, my second system includes ML Renaissance 15a's.  

Room Details

Dimensions: 30’ × 20’  X large
Ceiling: 9’

Components Toggle details

    • Roon Labs Nucleus
    • Benchmark DAC3B
    • Pass Labs Aleph 60 monoblocks
    • Avantgarde Duo Omega G2
    • High Fidelity Cables True Balanced XLR
    • Benchmark LA4 mkIII
    • Custom Bespoke VFet Preamp VFet preamp
    • MiniDSP SHD
    • Willsenton R800i R800i

Comments 11

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How does DSP workout for you? I like the idea of doing DSP for two channel listening.  Haven't done it,  yet.


Really cool speakers but can't see many of the components. I like the cabinet and the picture above it.
