
Just put some maggies to the side and added trios. I had not heard these before purchase; I'm still speachless after only a day with them..

Not sure what to do next.. cables are very entry level but not sure what component upgrade would give me the best 'bang for the buck' ...

Components Toggle details

    • Avantgarde trios II
    w/4 225 subs
    • Cary Audio Design 1610SE
    • Rega Planet
    had for several years
    • Sonic Frontiers SFL-1 sig
    had for several years

Comments 15

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Very nice indeed, and I would agree that good digital can be had under 4k. The rest of your rig almost demands an upgrade on the source, I would also say that a decent turntable would be a nice choice to look into. The flesh that analog puts on the bones would lend itself to the awesome dynamics and portrayal of delicate nuances that those trios provide. Whatever you choose, congrats, you have a great system going.
