
Just put some maggies to the side and added trios. I had not heard these before purchase; I'm still speachless after only a day with them..

Not sure what to do next.. cables are very entry level but not sure what component upgrade would give me the best 'bang for the buck' ...

Components Toggle details

    • Avantgarde trios II
    w/4 225 subs
    • Cary Audio Design 1610SE
    • Rega Planet
    had for several years
    • Sonic Frontiers SFL-1 sig
    had for several years

Comments 15

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One more idea for you that I forgot to mention. You may want to look into either Zoethecus amp stands, or perhaps Silent Running Audio, or Neuance platforms depending upon your budget. I mention this as tube gear at that level of price & performance on a metal and glass (what it looked like) shelf system will be subject to quite a bit of vibration. Removing as much of that and microphonics from the tubes will yield very worthwhile improvements. Just some more food for thought. Good luck!


Wow- extremely nice start (and end) for speakers and amps! I am sure those could make most happy for many, many years to come. Perhaps a Audio Aero Capitole Mk II SE cd player that you can run direct to your amps would take care of upgrading both the preamp and cd player. The Capitole Mk II will also keep the "analog" sound of the Rega Planet, however add in liquidity, detail, space, soundstage, etc.

Great looking room!
