
It all started about 10 years ago with a shelf system ......and then I was hooked............the system began!!!!! Each category progressed as follows....(or at least to the best of my memory)

Players / Transports:

Panasonic 5 Disk Player, Philips DVD Player, CEC 5100 Belt Driven Transport, Levinson #37, Esoteric DV-50, Wadia 861 w/ GNSC Statement Mod


MSB Link Dac 2, MSB Platinum Dac, MSB Platinum Dac +


AMC, Musical Fidelity AC3R, Adcom GFP-750, Placette Passive, Placette Active, BAT VK-51SE


Sony Reciever 1010, Carver, Musical Fidelity AC3R, Bel Canto 200.2, 2 Bel Canto 200.2's, Spectron Musician II, Parasound JC-1's (Stock)


Panasonic, KLH, Polk Mini-Moniters, Radioshack Sub, Cerwin Vega Sub, M&K 100B, M&K 200THX, M&K SC-1, Newform Research R-645's, KSU Newform Research 645's, Von VR4GENIII SE


Radio Shack Gold, MIT Terminator 2's, Silver Bullet 4.0's, Nordost SPM, Nordost Valhalla


Hydra w/ stock cord, Taipan, Hydra with Anaconda VX, Elrod Sig 2, Elrod Sig 3, Elrod Statement, Elrod Statement II, Harmonix X-DC All WattGate


Standesign 5, Vibrapods, Arcici

Lessons learned:

1.Every component in the chain matters.

2.Different strokes for different folks. What one person likes, another hates.

3.I prefer neutrality in an amp, pre-amp, and cables preceded by great digital up front However, some would think my taste falls toward the cold side of neutral.

4.Don't believe the hype!!!

5. What works well in one system does not necessarily work well in the next.

Stop by and let me know what you think of the current system. Recomendations are always welcome!!!!!

Components Toggle details

    • EMM Labs Modified Philips SACD 1000
    EMM Labs Modified Philips SACD 1000 Transport
    • EMM Labs DCC2
    EMM Labs DCC2
    • EMM Labs DCC2
    EMM Labs DCC2
    • Von Schweikert Audio VR4 Gen III SE
    VR4 Gen III SE
    • Nordost Valhalla XLR
    Between DCC2 and AMP
    • Von Schweikert Ribbon Foil Bi-wire
    Ribbon Foil Bi-wire. Would eventually like to replace with Valhalla biwire.
    • PS Audio Power Port
    Power Port
    • Parasound JC-1's (Moded by Empirical Audio)
    • Solid Steel 5.5 Audio Rack
    Holds all components. Filled with 50/50 mix of lead shot and sand.
    • Elrod Statement
    On the JC-1's
    • Elrod Statement II
    On the DCC2 and the Philips

Comments 12

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System edited: Changed powercords back to Elrod Statements from Harmonix (It was simply a personal preference)


System edited: Added minor updates to system including Empirical Audio mod to JC-1's. Will ad new pics when the JC-1's get here on Tuesday.



If your interested I would be more then happy to talk to you in person about your amp selection. Just send me an e-mail. As far as the speaker wire goes, becuase I currently live in an apt I am limited in the space I have to set up my equipment. As a result, I require long speaker wire runs. I have not tried other speaker wire in my system due to this constraint so I have no idea if my speaker wire is a limiting factor. Eventually I will probably move to Valhalla speaker wire as I tend to like Nordost's house sound. For the time being, I am saving my nickles and dimes.


Got my DCC2 in...and I love it!!!


System edited: Update - Forgot to Add PS Audio Power Port


First, Thank you all so far for your comments.

I would eventually like to take the equipment out of the corner and give my speakers some room to breath. Unfortunetly, I am young (not so unfortunate) and thsu still live in an apartment with limited space. Eventually when I move to a house I will take care of these problems. I have tried using points instead of the viborpods, and always seem to return to the pods. I appreciate the advantages of each, but for some reason I always seem to prefer the pods. Perhaps I will give cones a try again.

It will be tuff to asses the differences between the placete and the DCC2 (as a pre-amp) as the dac is built in, but I will let you know what I think when it comes in. I will say this, I lvoed the placette when I had it. I sold it as I thought I was going to home theater (what was I thinking?).

First, I tried the Wadia through the EMM Labs Swithcman. This is the first pre I have tried that made a substantial improvment to running the Wadia direct to the amp (primarily in the bass region). The Dac6 (havent heard the DCC2 yet) has improved highs, is more transparent, has better resolution, and is far more dynamic. It is hard to critize the Wadia until you hear the EMMlabs is impressive.
