
Tube based system 40 years in the making. Evolved through equipment including Bose, Marantz, JBL, Luxman, Cary, Mark Levinson, Audio Research, McIntosh, Meadow Lark, Martin Logan, BAT, Technics, Yamaha, Teac, PS audio, Conrad Johnson, VPI, Thorens and others I’m sure I’ve forgotten. Always in pursuit of the most realistic an natural rendition of instruments and vocals in my home. Have owned and heard some great solid state systems throughout but once I listen to a tube based system I was hooked.  This system brings me and friends absolute musical bliss. It excels on all manor of music be it jazz, classical, rock, r&b etc. each component seemingly complemented by the other creating the illusion of the band and the recording venue in my listing room. I will probably die listening to music through this almost organic system and I’m fine with that.... Custom cabinet and amp stands made by me. All shelves and stands made using constrained layering technique combining aluminum, acrylic and solid hardwood .

Room Details

Dimensions: 22’ × 15’  Medium
Ceiling: 10’

Components Toggle details

    • Ayon Audio Epsilon evo signature mono blocks
    Tube amplifiers
    • Lyra Kleos
    MC cartridge
    • Hana Umami Red
    MC cartridge
    • Benz Micro Ruby-Z
    MC carriage
    • Technics RS-1506US
    Reel-Reel player
    • Sony HAP-Z1ES
    HDD audio player
    • Cary Audio DMS-700
    • Clearaudio Innovation Wood
    • Clearaudio Master Reference
    • Magnum Dynalab MD-108
    • Esoteric K-01X
    CD/SACD player
    • Sim moon audio 860.1
    SS power amp
    • Evolution Acoustics MM-2
    • Allnic Audio H 7000
    Phono stage
    • Allnic Audio L 10000
    • Synergistic Research Interconnect XLR , RCA
    • Shunyata Research Alpha
    Power cords
    • Furman IT Reference 20 Discrete Symmetrial Power
    Power conditioning
    • Finite Elemente Cerabase Slimline
    Isolation feet

Comments 11

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Amazing system. You have it all, and I'm sure it sounds as good as it looks. Congratulations, and enjoy it. It shows your passion and love of music.
