
A motley collection of components and cables assembled over 20+ years.  The SQ is full-bodied, dynamic and immersive.   99% streaming via Tidal. 

I prefer large monitors and powered subs over full-range floorstanders. This allows better fine-tuning of the bass to the room nodes.

I'm from the school that everything matters. Constant tweaking over the years.  I didn't know what my system's potential was until the electrical power was cleaned up.  As it's become optimized, the music is magical. 

Transparent Audio believes that the power to each component should be isolated to prevent cross-contamination - especially with digital gear.   Digital gear regurgitates noise back into the system circuitry which affects the SQ of the other components.  So, each primary component in my rig (analog & digital) has its own dedicated Transparent Audio PIMM (Power Isolator MM series).   Each PIMM is plugged into balanced power.  In other words, the power to all the components is both balanced and conditioned - including the modem & router.  The power to the SS amp is not balanced - only conditioned (non-current limiting).     All LPS's - no wall warts.   After-market footers under everything.

After installing the PIMM's, it was extremely easy to hear how a power cord influenced the SQ.   It's taken years of auditioning many different brands & models of power cords to find a synergy that works for my ears - matching specific pc's to specific components.  The signal cables, analog & digital, are a full loom of Synergistic Research Atmosphere Series - upper tiers.  Wow!

Older Wilson speakers with the Focal 1" titanium coated tweeter have a bad reputation for harsh highs.  Not in my rig. 

My latest tweak was to deal with the EMI that was radiating from my large transformer-based components. Better everything!  More info here.

Room Details

Dimensions: 20’ × 15’  Medium
Ceiling: 12’

Components Toggle details

    • Transparent Audio PIMM - aka - Power Isolator MM series power conditioner
    I have 6 of them.  One dedicated to each primary component.  Non-current limiting.
    • Smart Devices GC-120 Garbage Collector - Balanced Power Conditioner
    Balanced power for the source components.   Every Transparent Audio PIMM is plugged into it.
    • Balanced Power Technologies BPT Jr. II - for the Modem & Router
    In a different room, another dedicated PIMM for the Modem & Router is plugged into the BPT Jr II.
    • Audio Horizons AH-TP2.3SvB - Tube Preamp
    A Joseph Chow design.  4 x 6922 tubes. Using the balanced circuit.
    • Magnus Audio MA-200 Class A SS amp.
    Magnus Audio is the solid state division of Canary Audio.   Using the balanced circuit.
    • Wilson Audio Cub Series II Monitors
    Wilson Audio CUB = Center Unitized Bass.
    Good frequency response down to 40hz.  
    Clean & dynamic.  No harshness.
    • Talon Audio Roc 2002 Subwoofers x 2
     2 x 12" drivers inside each cabinet.  Fast & deep.  Integrates perfectly with the Wilson Cub monitors.   Weigh 125 lbs each.
    • Concert Fidelity DAC-040BD
    Concert Fidelity DAC. 16 bit/44.1kHz Redbook Only.  Battery powered.   Delicious.
    • Empirical Audio Off-Ramp 5: USB to SPDIF & AES/EBU converter/re-clocker
    Empirical Audio Off-Ramp 5 is equivalent to a DDC. It's an excellent bridge between the Aries streamer and the Concert Fidelity DAC.  Even though it's Redbook only, it delivers all the music.    
    • Denon DCD-1650AR - CD Transport
    Oldie but goodie.
    • Auralic Aries Streamer
    Very nice!   But the stock DC umbilical cord that comes with it sounds terrible.   It was replaced immediately with a DIY 20awg pure OCC solid core copper wire.    Huge improvement!   Modded the internal antenna with external ones.   Using a better quality LPS than the stock one.
    • Core Power Technologies USBe Perfect
    This USBe Perfect is a USB signal regenerator.   It's installed in the back of the Auralic Aries Streamer.   It significantly improves the SQ of the USB signal coming out of the Aries.  The SQ is much more clean & refined - like a much more expensive streamer.   I'm guessing that the regenerator is removing noise that is produced by the Aries motherboard.  Highly recommend for budget streamers.
    • Nordost QBase QB4
    I have 3 QBase Power Strips. One for each of the 3 circuits used for my system.  They use Nordost solid core wiring which improves the SQ.  

    The QB4 has 4 outlets.  One is a regular outlet which Nordost calls the 'primary earth'.  The other 3 have resistors installed. Nordost states that the resistors slightly lift the ground - and also serve to lightly separate the circuits from each other to prevent cross-contamination from the other components that are plugged into it.

    I'm not a fan of the resistors.  In my system, the resistors soften the sound - less dynamic.    I only use the primary earth outlet in two of the QB4's. In the 3rd one, I disconnected the resistors - so that all of the outlets are primary earth. 
    • Synergistic Research Atmosphere UEF Level 2 power cord
    Powering the Concert Fidelity DAC.
    • Sablon Audio 2020 Ethernet cable
    Sablon Audio.  Excellent ethernet cable.  Have two.  One between the Netgear modem & Netgear router. Another between the Netgear router and the Fidelizer WiFi AirStream.    Body, texture, depth.
    • Synergistic Research Atmosphere X Reference USB cable
    The passive red & blue tuning bullets offer the ability to tweak the SQ.
    • Synergistic Research Galileo UEF AES/EBU digital cable
    This SR Galileo digital cable was almost like a component upgrade.  The Galileo series is SR's top-of-the-line.    The other non-Galileo SR series are good but not as transformative as the Galileo series.
    • Fidelizer Audio AirStream WiFi

    Keetakawee @Fidelizer Audio modified an ASUS WiFi router.    Specially selected parts to quiet the circuitry - including a better clock.   The AirStream is used as an access point following the Netgear router.

    • Snake River Audio Cottonmouth Gold Power Cords.
    Have 2.  IME, these work especially well on digital components.
    • Purist Audio Design Canorus Contego Power Cords
    Have 2.
    • Full Loom _ Synergistic Research
    Atmosphere Series - upper tiers.   Ater cleaning up the power, these SR cables brought everything together.  The SQ is the best ever.
    • Nobsound Springs
    • Townshend Audio Speaker Podiums
    Excellent tweak.  Highly recommend!   With my suspended floors, the improvement in SQ was immediate.
    • Sound Anchor Stands
    • ICT PCM-12ADL vdc power conditioner
    I have power conditioning on all of the AC lines.  Why not try conditioning on the DC umbilical cords as well?  The concept works great.
    • Network Acoustic Eno AG filter
    Modem > Sablon 2020 cable > Eno filter > Netgear Nighthawk 1750ac Router > Sablon 2020 cable > Fidelizer Audio AirStream WiFi.
    • Behind equipment rack Assorted Cabling
    A rat's nest where the cabling has been separated and supported.

Comments 11

Cool news I can use well done.


@jmalen123 Obviously, great minds think alike.  😎  The system building process has been form follows function.  In other words, what works vs what can I afford.  LOL.   

As my system has evolved, so has my music appreciation. For the most part, I’ve been a fan of electric blues - with a dash of assorted reggae and singer/songwriter.   Curiously, as my system has become more resolving, I’m really enjoying chamber and symphonic music.  I’m able to hear & appreciate the nuance and technique by the very talented musicians – as well as the design/direction of the conductors.  Who woulda thought that an old hippie could learn new tricks?  


@emergingsoul Thx for the compliment.   I wish my hearing was better.   Re: cabling. It’s simply letting my ears decide.  By attending live music and audio shows, I’ve got some reference points to chase after.  I’ve read about the benefits of fiber in the digital chain.  I suspect I’ll be trying it out in the near future.    It's been a fun journey.


The Denon 1650AR is a great choice for a transport. I owned one. I'm sorry I let it go! It's built like a tank. I'll be considering some of your other choices. Thanks for sharing! Joe


Just have to say,,, It is so cool to see a Frankenstereo in the likes of my own. And like you mine sounds perfect to me at this time. Good job and hopefully your music tastes run like your stereo tastes. I found that mixing and matching equipment gave me a broader musical selection. Everything sounds good. I would be interested in your thoughts.


You are a true audio sculptor very interesting.

I just bought an expensive transparent power cord.  you have done a lot of comparisons of power cords.  What do you hear when you compare the various power cords? you must have exceptional hearing.

Also have you tried optical connections in the past? Notice you don't have any in your system.  I use optical with the believe that it removes a lot of noise.


@steakster Ha it was you I bought the Lexus from totally forgot that and yes I am still enjoying them every single day thank you! And on the subject of the Cubs I actually kind of like that industrial look lol grills on or off. That being said the sound is the thing. Cheers!


@jond  No doubt, the Cub monitors are aesthetically challenged.  Even more so with the grill covers off.   At night, I keep that corner dark so that I can hear the music - and not see the system.  😉 I hope you're still enjoying the AN Lexus speaker cables that you bought from me years ago.   Go Terrapins!


Steakster awesome looking system! I was just reading a review of that Concert Fidelity Dac the other day looks like a good one. And those Cubs are some intimidating monitors I bet they love that Class A power.


@ivan_nosnibor Thanks for visiting my system. 

Yes, the Magnus amp does get hot.  Fortunately, my high ceilings help dissipate the heat.  I used to have Class A 6C33C tube monoblocks that got even hotter.  They were beautiful looking and sounding.   But, with their high bias, I got tired of buying new output tubes every 16 months.

Never did I expect that my enjoyment of music would lead to an exploration of physics.  It's been a fun learning experience.   


I took the adventurous "experimental route' too. And I hear you loud and clear with not getting it all to its full potential until you cleaned up the power. I bet it sounds great. What do you think of that Magnus amp, looks to be a beast - does it run too hot? (...oh, and thanks for all the pics!)


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