Room Details

Dimensions: 16’ × 18’  Medium
Ceiling: 8’

Components Toggle details

    • Octave Audio V70 ClassA
    Stunning Amplifier with Super Black Box
    • Octave Audio Super Black Box
    • Spatial Audio M3 Sapphire
    • Acoustic Signature Triple X
    • Pioneer Modwright LX-500 Universal Player
    • Modwright PH9.0X
    • RME ADI-2 DAC FS
    • TimberNation Rack

Comments 8

@audiosaurusrex Thanks for the info! The Q3 (their new larger model is rated at 90db/4ohm and has a minimum suggested power requirement of 20wpc, so it would probably be pushing my luck with a 2a3 set at 3.5wpc haha!

I'm hoping they bring them back next year for the next SWAF show and plan on spending a fair amount of time in their room next time to really hear how they handle different music types and whether any fatigue develops.

Enjoy yours! The Octave is a great amp & I see you also have the MW PH9.0X. I just got the 'T' upgrade for the power supply and it's been great, if you ever consider upgrading it a bit.


Thanks for you post. I still love my M3's and IMO at 92db 4ohm they are supremely easy to drive and sound wonderful. I'm driving mine with the Octave V70 Class A which is a little overkill but they are so transparent and dynamic it's really like I have the band in the room. I did have to do some room treatment and that is what I discovered the OB's prefer. I think your Aric should be able to power the Spatials and I've seen on the forums people using flea-watt tube amps to power them. They love tubes. Low end is deep, clear and tight. Mids are glorious and highs just so sweet. Clayton is actually producing a new speaker with his new company that I have heard great comments on. Depending on your budget I see the M and X Series come up for sale and maybe one of the X series with SET amps might suit your needs. Either way IMO you won't be disappointed with the Spatial line. X3's at 97db would be my next recommendation. Happy Listening and I appreciate you reaching out.


Was reading your thread from a few years ago re: open baffles so took a peek at your system. How do you like the Spatials? I heard their new Q3s at SWAF in March and was enthralled. Wish I could have spent some more time with them to hear how they handled low end extension, etc. I've been considering maybe picking up a secondary pair of speakers so I'm intrigued. The biggest problem for me would be that I would need a secondary amplifier as well since these OB designs tend to be quite inefficient.


@islandmandan Yes my system is an endgame for me. Got my first system over 50 years ago and never had the opportunity or funds to go with tubes. Now I finally have a system where all the nuances of the music come through. I'm in Massachusetts if you're ever in the area, I have a few listening buddies and we still do "album wars". Thanks for the correspondence.


I was reading some comments  regarding 6922 tubes (my Herron VTSP 3A uses six of them), and naturally, I wound up perusing your system. It would be interesting to have a listen to your system, it's quite a departure from what my system is, but I have no doubt it provides what you need it to do.

Do enjoy! Regards


Keep tweaking and most of all enjoy the process!


Thanks still tweaking but getting there. 


Nice system some cool less seen gear!


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