
Pass Labs XP-32 preamp
Pass Labs X 250-8 amp
NAD C658 streamer/dac
Primare R35 Phono Stage Amp
VPI Classic Direct with 12" gimbled fatboy tone arm
My Sonic Lab Cartridge
Martin Logan Expression ESL 13A

Room Details

Dimensions: 30’ × 18’  X large
Ceiling: 12’

Components Toggle details

    Comments 9

    lovely room and system - very nice groove !


    Very tastefully done indeed! Beautiful room and system. I am sure it must bring you lots of joy.

    A question though - how have you dealt with the reflections off the glass windows around the room? I have a similar room and I often wonder if my system could sound better if there was less glass around it.

    Wishing you much enjoyment in your slice of heaven!


    The kind of system that make you wish to come back home every day to enjoy for hours.
    Fancy music hall!


    Just an aesthetically pleasant room to enjoy music. No ridiculous acoustic treatment-just good speakers placed as best as possible, to work with the room.

    Well done. The only thing I would add is a pair of subs perhaps in the rear corners. It can make a DRAMATIC positive improvement.

    Some of the "listening rooms" look terribly uninviting. Not yours.


    Gorgeous room and really nice system notnow!


    Looks like a lot of fun!


    Lovely set up and like the bronze cowboy.


    Very fine and inviting music room.


    Beautiful room!  Nicely put together and sure it sounds great.


    Showing all 9 posts