Actually, that photo --{at least the center image}--was taken in my home of my Sachiko speakers! These Sachiko speakers are designed by Scottmoose who's often posting over at in the Fullrange or at The other two pix I grabbed off the internet, so I have absolutely no issues with okietubefan using the picture I created! The photo was meant to revel; 1) on the left a drawing of the Sachikos internally, 2) what my finished Sachikos looked like in the center, and 3) an actual internal view of a Sachiko on the right of the photo! okietubefan if you have a pair of Sachikos I hope you're enjoying them as much as I did and if you're just using the photo that's perfectly ok as well. Finally, if anyone's interested here a link to my actual Sachikos, showing the audio system they were in when I used them and what the room looked like then as well...