
Before I bought my first system it took me a few months to test tons of NADs, Marantzes, Arcams, Denons, etc. - still on the entry level.

Then suddenly I was introduced to LINN products by a helpful dealer and I chose Classik with Ninka. Actually I spent a lot of time on comparing Ninka to Katan because I needed some time to get used to the Ninka s price however I got also fascinated by the beauty of the sound produced by small Katans.

I lived with Classik and Ninkas for almost two years.

In the meantime LINN introduced so many fantastic new products: Unidisks, Exotik, Kisto, Kinos, Akurate, and now Artikulat. From this list I have chosen actually only one, Unidisk SC. I added AV5125 and that’s it.

AV5125 enabled me to run my Ninkas AKTIVely what just moved my system onto a much higher level. AKTIV is simply fantastic. It’s like squezing much better sound from the same speakers.

My LCD TV from NAD (only for Scandinavia!) is simply fantastic. I still cannot find better LCD on the market.

Finally I also bought a TASCAM cassette deck which I like very much.

My room is very small and it will not change in the near future. I experimented a lot with different speakers/furniture setup and this seems to be the best solution.

In general I agree with the idea of reproducing every detail present in a recording in the most neutral way. I don’t want music to be beautified or made warmer, softer, harder, drier, etc. I only want to get what is there on the disc. That’s why I like LINN.

Components Toggle details

    • Linn Unidisk SC
    UNIDISK SC player is a complete pitch accurate high fidelity AV source and control component. Featuring Linn’s SILVER DISK ENGINE universal disc playing technology, the UNIDISK SC player is designed to facilitate access to all the new high-definition music and movie formats and deliver high-quality multi-channel control and playback.
    • Linn AV 5125
    The AV 5125 is designed to provide a compact high density amplification solution capable of delivering pitch accurate sound quality for multi-channel home theatre and multi-channel music.
    • Linn Ninka
    The Ninka is an elegant, versatile, compact and powerful loudspeaker designed for all two channel and multi-channel applications.
    • Linn Silver Interconnect
    Linn Silver Interconnect is unusual, having a very fine strand, high copper content in an insulated tri-wire configuration of inner signal conductor with twin outer screens. Encased within a silver outer sheath, the two double-wound outer screens of braided bands of fine soft copper encase the insulated inner soft copper signal conductor. The new Linn Silver Interconnect also remains very soft and flexible despite containing so much copper. This is due to the special braiding, very fine malleable copper strands, and soft and flexible polymer insulation materials. The new Silver Interconnect phono plug is precision machined from solid brass, subsequently gold plated, and designed to provide the maximum contact area for the music signal via nine gold plated folded finger spring contacts manufactured from hardened copper. The inner insulated soft copper signal conductor is terminated with a solid brass, gold-plated signal pin surrounded by a teflon insulator and the entire gold plated inner-plug-body-collar accommodates and firmly fastens the interconnect cable with a very strong, convenient and secure single-screw-fastening-cord-grip.
    • Linn K400
    High quality low-loss loudspeaker cable specifically designed for bi-wired installations. - Two twisted pairs of cables provide improved sound performance. - Very flexible and easy to manipulate - Easy to solder and handle - Inner cables chalked for easy stripping
    • TASCAM 112MKII
    • NAD DV66HD
    Still the best LCD TV on the market.

Comments 13

System edited: I added new pictures which show my updated system.



Nice system. The Linn digital gear is great at every price point. And, the ability to do a whole house system in steps is a big advantage.

I also agree that you would be pleasantly surprised at the performance of a good used LP-12. I have a secret I'd like to share with all of you Linn fans. Beg, borrow, buy or steal a tube preamp and give it a try. It made such a huge difference in my system that it's really spooky. Also, the Ridge Street Audio Designs interconnects and speaker cables are perfect with the Linn gear. I find it amazing how many Linn fans there are (although in the audiophool world we are looked down on) because it's so musical.


Thanks for opinions guys!
Deven8: thanks for your post. I have seen your system for long time. It's really fantastic! This is where I want to be.
Yes, I know the topica Linn list. It is very good source of informations. For everybody interested:

Dr3: SC+5125 combo is really fantastic, especially if 5125 drives some speakers aktively.
I decided to upgrade my system slowly, first by replacing SC with Unidisk 1.1 which will have to be connected to SC-preamp until I save more money for KISTO. Maybe until that time LINN will introduce some better sources and preamps anyway?
I decided to go the source-first way: I'll replace 5125 and Ninkas as the last step.
Just recently they discontinued 5125 and 2250, in the same time introducing 6 or 8 amps with Chakra technology. So maybe you should wait for those new designs or buy now 5125 for very nice discounted price.

Eddiemc: of course a dedicated preamp would improve my system. I compared SC-preamp with ie. EXOTIK and KINOS and they are for sure better, but I decided KISTO is the way to go.
I don't have any other sources connected to SC, except Classik Musik temporarily few months ago.


Nice setup. Simple and Im sure a great sound.
I have Ninkas also, tri-amped Aktiv, cant beat the Aktiv sound. Do you feel any need for a Preamp? Do you ever listen to any other sources, Satellite, cable or Radio.


I love that elegant but simple Linn electronics setup. Today I am trying to convince my dealer to take my entire Sony ES system in trade towards an SC + 5125 combo! Also the Ikemi I just brought home is an awesome CD player but it will be going back too.


You finally got the pictures up and it looks great. Glad to see more Linn on audiogon. I start with a ikemi than a 5103 /5125 and have finally ended up here
so good luck on your journey. I really like looking at Other peoples Linn systems. Its funny my remote is silver and yours is black you think your unidisk would be black. anyway check out
If you dont already for lots of helpful information on Linn.



Thanks for your answers guys!

Newmanoc: Sometimes I think how it would be to go into vinyl but I have no real experience and no any software, and actually I never heard any profesionally played vinyl.
But maybe one day I should go and listen?

Garner_a: I agree with you completely! Klimax products are simply phantastic. And actually it makes me think intensively which way I should eventually go: Klimax Kontrol or Kinos/Kisto?
I heard from a Linn representative that Kisto is the same sound quality product as Klimax, but I never compared them.
Of course for now this is purely speculative thinking but probably I would go into Kisto because it gives all those modern feautures like picture and multichannel.
It's particullary important if one owns one of the Unidisks.



Agree re the ultimate transparency of Linn equipment. I too am a recent Unidisk SC/5125 owner after going throught the continuous upgrade cycle from a Classik to a Classik Movie to the SC/5125.

Painful that the SC doesn't have a standby mode though!

I am not a Linn speaker person myself. I value Dynaudio speakers for much the same qualities as Linn (accuracy, detail, transparency) and love my current pair of Dynaudio Special 25's.

My greatest Linn moment came just recently when I went a little crazy and bought a second hand Linn Klimax Twin amp (from here on the 'gon). Let me tell you, this thing is *amazing*. It has propelled my listening in to another dimension. I won't bore you with superlatives, but suffice to say, if you can find a Klimax Twin just buy it.

Power specs are the same as the 5125 per channel but that doesn't mean a thing. The sound takes on a sense of immersive reality. I dare not even start thinking about a CD 12 and Klimax Control pre-amp etc or I will be divorced (my hi-fi is already worth more than my Wife's car!)


Nice to see more details of your upgrades. We have, with respect to Linn, similar ears and minds. I too am on the upgrade path, and simply haven't found anything that I like remotely as well as Linn electronics. Some well regarded gear I've heard is much more expensive but at the same time so much less involving and musical. This stuff seems designed to give what someone thinks is pleasant sound, rather than real music.

The one tip I would give is keep your mind open to getting into vinyl. A Linn LP-12 can be had quite reasonably on the used market (though new, you are looking at a lot of money). For me, my turntable has opened up musical enjoyment considerablly. You will need your dealer to educate you about LP-12's, however. They are wonderful but fragile beasts.


System edited: OK. I updated my system: added pictures and description. Any comments or opinions are welcome.


Congratulations! As a Linn fan I have to say this looks very rational and nicely conceived - I am sure it sounds wonderful. I was initially headed in a similar direction with Ninkas (seeking to run them aktiv, as your 5125 will allow) but have since changed course a bit. I still am in love with Linn electronics, but after listening to some options I decided their speakers were not my first choice. (This is entirely personal, and many people would find my JM Labs 926/Linn combination too bright for their tastes - indeed I ultimately may move to Sonus Faber). But a system this well put together must sound special. Enjoy it. Lose sleep listening late into the night. Become obsessed with music all over again. This system should make all of that happen.


sounds good can't wait until the pictures.


Yes, I'm still having problems with audiogon web software.


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