
I have been into hi-fi since I was 14. I started with a AMC system (very similar to NAD) and Eltax speakers. Then at the age of sixteen I bought a Bose 901 IV (please don t blame me I know better now).

Now at the age of 19 I have moved to the system listed here and I am pretty happy with it. I always trying to make it better and now I am thinking of getting a new amplifier and cables. All help and recommendation would be appreciated. And at last if there are any experts on setup out there their expertise would be very much appreciated because I really need help there.

Components Toggle details

    • NAD S-100
    A simle and inexpensive preamp.
    • NAD S-200
    A very vell built unit and sound great for the money
    • Sonus Faber Electa Amator II
    • Analog research Silver raincoat referance xlr
    Connects the poweramp and the preamp
    • Analog research gold raincoat
    Used with the CD
    • Monster Z2B

Comments 11

Very nice set-up, and BTW, the components will sound just as good stacked. I think this is a very smart choice of gear.


Echo the suggestions on stacking, a rack giving each componet it's own space is a must have. Also give some area rugs a shot in front of the sepakers to tame the wood floors, wall hangings are also an inexpensive way to reduce the nasty reflections and gain you may be getting.
Great start.


Very nice set of speaker. I do agree with all Gon members advised. But to me I do recommend you to get a Pathos Classic one MK II. It'll match your beautiful Italian made speaker. Plus try get a equipment rack to replace the long table which you had. I am lazy to type so I just cut and paste from Siefried "remove that large table from behind the speakers. It looks like it could be creating a resonant volume that you might not want". Hope this might help, enjoy.


Man, these Sonus Faber look just great. What kind of music are you listening to? As far as your setup is concerned, I'd try to somehow remove that large table from behind the speakers. It looks like it could be creating a resonant volume that you might not want. Could be boosting your deep end also, which you might want. Try and see what it does. Firecracker and Millikeith are right about stacking. Better to isolate components from one another.


Nice set-up. I was thinking the same as Firecracker_77. The components will sound better if you don't stack them.


Nice system. I've heard that stacking components is not the best idea...something about vibrations and such being shared between each piece...that's the only recommendation I have.


very nice gear, try to check a tube pre before swapping may really like it!


You have a good system but still need to upgrade the last part - incoming power supply such as conditioner and power cord.

[email protected]

Nice way of getting into this hobby. Having owned some NAD
gear myself in the past, I know you are getting a good sound for the money. Happy Listening.


I have the same speakers, love them. It seems a small room, you could go with a good quality integrated amp. I use the Pathos classic one and it's amazing. Never felt underpowered. I have yet to revise my system in audiogon but I've moved again, have a larger room and the Pathos still hangs on. My room is about 18ft by 14ft.
But even before changing amp you should consider equipment support. It might be more cost effective. That table seems to me needs a bit more mass, maybe another layer or two of horizontal boards? Then you could replace the stock power cords, if the NAD permits it. You could start by something from the same brand as the interconnects.
Have fun


Great system Kjartan. I wish I had a system like yours when I was young. Keep up the good work.


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