
All i need in a system.

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    • Audio Origami Kondo Silver 12in PU7
    Bespoke Audio Origami 12 inch Kondo Silver wired PU7, in Chrome
    • nottingham analogue heavy space deck
    Notts analogue spacedeck with heavy kit, 12 inch armboard and mystic mat, heed orbit power supply and heavy clamp.
    • audio note io1
    The Io1 is a conventional compliance design making it perfect for use on almost any tonearm (such as Rega, Linn, SME and so on). It features high power Alnico magnets, aluminium and wood construction and very fine pure silver wire on the coils. The cantilever is made from Titanium and the Diamond is a vdH Type 2. Sonically it seems to have very little character, as any compromises that have been made are very benign in nature. Chameleonic would be a good word to describe it. Tonally it is so natural that it quickly becomes apparent how bleached and pinched most other cartridges actually are.
    It’s also capable of revealing much greater subtlety than any other design we’ve come across yet it still retains the ability to startle with a very realistic dynamic range.
    Due to the very few winding used in the coils it has a low output (0.05mV) and likes to be used with a low impedance transformer for best results.
    • audio note ans2
    audio note ans2 moving coil step up.
    • tube technology fusion
    Tube output , hdcd cd player.
    • Django TVC
    Django TVC silver wired Transformer linestage.
    • Rank 6C33C SET monos. Concept 6C33C SET Triode.
    18w p/ch Single ended.
    • Audio Physic Padua
    Full range floorstanders.
    • audio note AN-S
    99.99% pure silver 15 strand litz wire symmetrical interconnect throughout the system.
    • audio note ANS-PA
    Four single strands 99.99% 15 strand pure silver litz cable for stereo connection.
    • EAR 834P
    modded ear 834p signature phono stage.

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