
Bitten by hi-fi bug in 1999 have since evolved to what you see here. All peices bought used with the exception of speakers thanks to my best friend who's hand me downs I will gladly accept. Speakers will be replaced later this yr or early next yr. I am leaning towards a set of energy varitas 1.8 used of course thanks again dear friend, or taking the plunge on a new pair of dynaudio contour S 3.4. not sure what would be better so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I am also upgrading cable as well as interconnects and am leaning toward the mit shotgun series again any ideas? The turntable was bought recently I thought I would explore vinyl. Isn't this a wonderful hobby.

Components Toggle details

    • Rega Planar-25
    bought on consignment
    • Musical Fidelity A-308
    bought used
    • Musical Fidelity A-308
    bought used
    • Bryston 3B-SST
    bought used
    • Paradigm Studio 100 V-4
    bought new
    • Rega RB-600
    came with table
    • Rega Exact
    came with table
    • Monster M550OI
    2M pair
    • Monster 1.25
    10ft pair bi-wire
    • Gutwire B-12
    used for the power amp
    • Tara prism AL
    bought 2 one for cd and pre-amp
    • Sanus Systems no model
    bought used
    • Monster HTS3500 MKII
    bought new

Comments 8

System edited: Have moved television out of room and man what a difference. Do not have a dedicated listening room but this will do for now. Find I am now enjoying vinyl much more than cd.


The paradigms are nice speakers, but there a lot of really good speakers out there. Take some time to visit some dealers and listen. You might just come back with a new found appreciation for your pardigms, but you might also find a speaker that just knocks your socks off. Re: room treatments, there's a lot of DIY plans out there. Check out John Risch's page.


Very nice system, I agree with Nissancrazy about the cables.
Check out Guerrilla Audio cables before you invest alot of money in the MIT's, I have listened to both and for the money you cannot beat the Guerrillas, I switch between Cardas and Guerrilas with the Guerrillas being my most listened to cable. I use the copper interconnects and speaker cables on a tube and a SS amp. The best thing about the Guerrilla cables is his 45-Day Money Back Guarantee.
Have fun!


Thanks for the comments. I have always been partial to the paradigm speakers as this is the only speaker brand I have ever known, and they are not being replaced just for the sake of the upgrading bug I am more than happy with their preformance. I do intend to upgrade both speaker and interconnect cables in the very near future but do have to be somewhat budget minded I not sure what the used market holds or if this would be the way to go with cables, any advice? I have no problem buying used as sometimes this provides more bang for the buck and I know what I'm getting since it is my best friend who I am dealing with lol. He does plan on upgrading his speakers and I would be more than happy to take his set of energy varitas 1.8's. As far as the music collection goes I have always tended to spend most of my disposible income on music and movies although i only have a 2 channel setup. I tend to listen to almost every genre of music with the exception being dance, most rap, and techno, also not alot of classical for the time being everything else I own and listen to on a regular basis. Again any suggestions?


Just a suggestion, before spending the money to upgrade the Paradigms, give new cables a try, they may achieve the change in sound characteristics you are looking for at a minimal cost to the pocket. I second the comment regarding the size of your mucis collection, bravo. All too often I have had friends that have spent all their $$ on gear, not that that is a bad thing, but when it leaves you little reserve $$ for a diverse music collection I strongly believe that one is limiting the potential enjoyment of the system they have built. I have also recently ventured into the world of vinyl and besides the difficulity of getting solid recordings love the direction this has taken me. Give new cables a shot as the Paradigms are hard to beat without throwing mucho $$$ at a pair of speakers that may excell in one area but leave you feeling short in others. Good luck.


Thanks for your response and the XBOX was bought used as well. I am renting at this time and have a bsmt suite with a low ceiling and although the size of the room is not an issue I am concerned about spending money on accoustic treatments unless I can get some bang for the buck.


You are a true Audiophile where your music collection costs more than your Gear!!!

Next Upgrade suggestions .... get some accoustic treatments (corners and first order reflection points)

Oh yeah bonus points for the XBOX!



I see you keep the grills on on your Studio 60's. This is a good idea, as the grill frame mates with the frames on the drivers and removing them will cause diffraction. I used to work at a Paradigm dealer, and we also had Revel, Wilson, Ariel, Avalon and Avantgarde, so I have some experience with a variety of speakers. In what direction would you like to go with your next pair of speakers? What have you heard that you like, and why? What are you priorities in reproduced sound? What kind of music do you listen to? BTW, you will soon discover how much better analog CAN be. Records can vary quite a lot, as the cutting engineer and pressing house can have a tremendous effect on the quality of the final product, regardless of how good the master is. But CD's still can't touch a good record played back on a good turntable. Have fun, and be careful of the magazines, they mostly exist to sell their advertisers products. In the last 20 years or so the integrity of the audio press has severely diminished, to the point where the term scam might apply.

Good luck, and beware of snake oil,



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